• (022) 6902 1117

iko9030 (iko9030)



I am hard worker and I have a good communication. I can work with team or individual. I have many experience on Tax. I can calculate monthly and yearly taxes (PPh 21, PPh 22, PPh 23, PPh Final, VAT, PPh Badan). I also understand about Accounting such as Ledeger, adjustment and Financial Statement.

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User Name: iko9030
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 28/08/2017 16:32:59 WIB
Last Seen: 15/12/2020 09:47:40 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kota Bekasi
Online Hours: 25.99
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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