• (022) 6902 1117

gangga23 (gangga23)



I am 23 years old (August 23, 2016) and I am from Indonesia.
I have a bachelor degree with a major in Information Engineering. Graduated from the (STMIK Amikom Purwokerto) university in 2016. Over the past three years, I have worked with Atoom Dev in Purwokerto, Java Indonesia. 

I enjoy thinking, enjoy learning, enjoy working, able to bear work pressure. In my free time, I often participate a lot of activities, such as table tennis, badminton, playing game those can help me regulate my personal state.

MySQL PostgreSQL JavaScript jQuery PHP CodeIgniter HTML CSS Bootstrap AngularJS

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User Name: gangga23
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 10/11/2016 09:40:06 WIB
Last Seen: 06/07/2017 16:30:31 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Utara
Website: putragangga.co.id
Online Hours: 13.61
Projects Won: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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