• (022) 6902 1117

Helmytarac (Helmytarac)



Experience in the field of design is a blessing for me, apart from my educational background, the world of design is part of my hobby. My experience as an interior designer for some time has been very satisfying. I once had an interior design project that I personally held, there I learned new things in that field, which I didn't find in college. That experience has made me learn a lot in this field, so that in the future I will continue to provide 100% better results than before for myself and every piece of my work.

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User Name: Helmytarac
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 09/05/2024 11:14:53 WIB
Last Seen: 09/05/2024 04:06:23 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Online Hours: 4.82
Projects Won: 0
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2022: Interior Designer (Freelance) – New Design Kitchen Set &
Bedroom at Bogor
My experience in working on a kitchen set and one bedroom project is slightly different from my previous experience. Where in this project I had the opportunity to learn to know in detail the parts contained in the kitchen set and the manufacture of bunk beds in the children's room. In this project, I did a site visit, measured layout existing ones, meeting and handle directly clients, analyzed the needs and desires of clients combining to the standards of design. I also apply visual 3D creation, detailed working drawings as well as material selection and kitchen appliances.

2023: Interior Designer (Freelance) – Restaurant at Bekasi City
On this project, I designed an Indonesian food shop, with the concept of "WARUNG". where in this design the owner does not want to lose its own "WARUNG" image but remains modern. The owner's desire is to still use some of the existing furniture and carts. So I created a design
that met the needs of the owner and customers.

2023: Interior Designer (Freelance) – Residence New-Design at
Bekasi City
This project is different from the previous project, this time I handled the design of a growing house, where the owner has an existing house and empty land next to the house. For this periodic development, the owner wants to build on empty land first without having to damage the existing building. With the client's budget, and field conditions that require prior planning, with the existing location plan and design, I first collect data for the client's needs. So with this
growing house concept, what important room will the client get first with these needs and budget to make it easier for the client in the next stage of development.

2023: Lead of Design and Build (Freelance) – Office Renovation at
East Jakarta
My work experience at this Office Renovation, I have experience in site visit, measured layout existing ones, meeting and handle directly clients, analyzed the needs and desires of clients and combining to the standards of design. I also expertise to make a layouting concept and 3D visual concept. At this project, I have a team, drafter, civil team and workshop to make a built.

2024: Interior Designer (Freelance) – Office at Bekasi City
In this project the client wants to convert the bedroom at the front of the house into a home office that will be used for counseling for clients. In this project I am a consultant interior designer, where I handle clients, meet and exchange ideas according to the client's wishes and needs, create mood boards, as a reference for client visualization, measure locations, create room layouts, create 3D models and 3D renderings




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