• (022) 6902 1117

daftdevs (daftdevs)



Mobile App Developer | React & React Native Specialist

Saya merupakan mobile dan frontend developer yang fokus dalam membuat aplikasi yang user-friendly, intuitive dan keren. dengan pengalaman bertahun-tahun menggunakan React, React Native dan frameworks Javascript modern yang lain, Saya bisa membuat aplikasi mobile untuk platform iOS dan Android dengan high-performance?

Yang Saya Tawarkan:

  • End-to-end mobile app development using React & Native.
  • Expertise in building cross-platform applications with seamless navigation and responsive designs.
  • State management using Redux for scalable and maintainable apps.
  • Integration with RESTful APIs, offline capabilities, and CRUD functionality.
  • Focus on delivering clean, testable code to ensure reliability and easy future updates.
  • Kebutuhan aplikasi mobile, web, dan skripsi

Portfolio Highlight:

Tinkerlust ? Luxury Fashion Marketplace App
A leading platform in Indonesia, Tinkerlust allows users to buy and sell pre-loved luxury fashion items. I contributed to the mobile app development, ensuring a smooth user experience, intuitive navigation, and seamless data handling for both iOS and Android users.


Technologies I Work With:

  • Frontend: React Native, ReactJS, Next.js
  • Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
  • State Management: Redux, Context API
  • Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Tools: Git, VSCode, Firebase

Kontak saya untuk kebutuhan anda dalam membuat aplikasi mobile, mari membuat sesuatu yang keren bersama!

HTML CSS Bootstrap ReactJS React Native

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User Name: daftdevs
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 23/09/2024 14:15:14 WIB
Last Seen: 07/10/2024 10:55:30 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Website: daftdevs.vercel.app
Online Hours: 35.07
Projects Won: 0
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Pembuatan Aplikasi Mobile React Native Basic (CRUD)

Rp 2,000,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Apa yang didapat: Up to 5 Screens : Splash Screen : Welcome screen with logo. Home Screen : Overview of the app's main features or dashboard. List Screen : Display data from an API (e.g., product list, user list). Detail Screen : View detailed information about a selected item from the list. Create/Edit Form Screen : Add or update data (e.g., create or edit products, user profiles). Basic CRUD Features (Create, Read, Update, Delete) : Create : Form to add new items (e.g., users, products)...

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