alvando (alvando)
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User Name: | alvando |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 02/06/2020 19:10:41 WIB |
Last Seen: | 18/08/2024 13:49:07 WIB |
Provinsi: | |
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Online Hours: | 35.83 |
Projects Won: | 0 |
Projects Completed: | 0 |
Completion Rate | - |
Projects Arbitrated: | 0 |
Arbitration Rate | - |
Current Projects: | 0 |
Ratings & Rankings
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0 Point
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As Owner
107 Point
#4,729 dari 1,259,370
5 Projects
107 Point
#4,729 dari 1,259,370
5 Projects
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0 Point
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Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Bagus. Brief jelas mudah dipahami.
august_rush 18/08/2024 00:08:46 WIB Pembuatan logo perusahaan dan logo tulisan perusahaan
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Auto-rated by system.
hongkybramanda77 06/06/2022 12:29:06 WIB Pembuatan Logo Bisnis Studio Kecantikan
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Terima kasih banyak
ridhoabdillah 11/01/2021 12:24:44 WIB Dibutuhkan Design Logo Untuk Agency
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Good job, owner simple dan mau dikasih masukan
artRezpect 30/12/2020 21:51:39 WIB Design Logo & Design Packaging Produk Teh
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Terima kasih kk atas kerjasamanya!
jessicamei 04/06/2020 12:03:17 WIB Design logo UMKM Produk Rice Bowl
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