• (022) 6902 1117

Dwi Yuniarti (dwiyuniartipkp)



- Bachelor degree from Informatics Engineering, STTTelkom-Bandung (Now become Telkom University)
- 14 years experiences in software development (from analyze, design, implementation, testing and debugging, implementation to the real environment, training, maintenance).

- Experience in web-based application development.
- Detailed technical knowledge of database design, software engineering.
- Experience in image processing, video editing.

Below are several projects i've developed :

1. Human Resources Information System

- PT. EWSI (East West Seed Indonesia), Purwakarta
- PT. Eisai Indonesia, Jakarta
- PT. Neo Indonesia, Jakarta

2. Payroll System
- PT. Neo Indonesia

3. Academic Information System
- Universitas Respati Indonesia, Jakarta
- Sekolah Sandhy Putra, Bandung

4. e-News Content Management 
- Balitbang ESDM

5. e-Archive
- Balitbang ESDM

6. Member Database 
- British Chamber of Commerce Indonesia

7. e-Library
- British Chamber of Commerce Indonesia

8. e-Government
- Balitbang ESDM
- Dinas Kependudukan Kotamadya Pangkalpinang

9. Intranet Portal 
- Balitbang ESDM

10. Website
- Balitbang ESDM
- Ukabima
- Sonora Network Bangka Belitung

11. e-Order
- Handycraft 

12. Sistem Informasi Perbankan Syariah, Lab. Syariah STAIN. Bangka Belitung

13. Manufacturing System 

14. Clinic System

15. Point of Sales System

16. etc

Adobe PhotoShop Programming Database Programming MySQL Web Programming PHP Website Content Management System (CMS) HTML CSS

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User Name: dwiyuniartipkp
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 05/09/2016 14:31:25 WIB
Last Seen: 16/08/2023 09:14:42 WIB
Provinsi: Bangka Belitung
Kabupaten: Kota Pangkal Pinang
Online Hours: 25.97
Projects Won: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2007: Human Resource Information System - PT. Eeast West Seed Indonesia

2008: Human Resources Information System (HRIS) - PT. Neo Indonesia

2009: Sistem Informasi Akademik - Universitas Respati Indonesia

2014: Website dengan Content Management System - Komunitas Berarti Kotamadya Pangkalpinang

2015: Website Dinamis dengan Backend System - Sonora Network Bangka

2015: Toko Online - National Geographic Indonesia

2015: Sistem Informasi Perbankan Syariah - Lab. Syariah STAIN SAS Bangka Belitung

2016: Sistem Informasi Pelelangan Ikan - TPI Pangandaran

2016: Campaign Management System - Telkomsel

2022: Sistem Informasi Anak Stunting

2022: Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

2022: ERP System

2023: Sistem Informasi Manufaktur

2023: Sistem Informasi Ekspedisi

2023: Sistem Informasi Minimarket




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