• (022) 6902 1117

Andi Wibowo (andi58)



Hai, saya dapat membantu  mengupgrade tampilan bisnis anda. membuat logo, branding, dan segala macam kerjaan desain grafis, bukan cuma kreatif dan artistik, namun juga fungsional

My Expertise : 

  • Branding 
  • Logo Design
  • Photo editing (Adobe Photoshop)
  • Vector Design (Adobe Illustrator)
  • Blogging (Blogger & Wordpress)
  • Social Media content for Business
  • F&B Owner business

dengan pengalaman hampir 10 tahun di desain dan bisnis, saya bisa membantu anda dalam mempercantik tampilan usaha sehingga sales & acknowledgement masyarakat terhadap bisnis anda semakin tinggi. 

feel free to contact me andiwibowo.design(at)gmail.com 

Data Entry Graphic Design Logo Design Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Photography Writing Blog

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User Name: andi58
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 03/06/2015 11:07:10 WIB
Last Seen: 25/04/2020 09:33:51 WIB
Provinsi: Jambi
Kabupaten: Kota Jambi
Website: andiwibowo.com
Online Hours: 35.81
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
Completion Rate-
Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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1 Users




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2014: Event Branding & Organizing

Indoflyer Plesiran CGK - Tour de Soekarno Hatta Int'l Airport
in Colaboration with Angkasa Pura 2 and Garuda Indonesia

2014: Dinamis Indonesia

Branding Project
Web Design
Social Media Creative
Stationary Design

2020: Logo Concept by Me




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