Saya adalah worker yang mencari pekerjaan dibidang IT System,
1. System Administration,
- Maintenance Service (RedHat, Centos, Ubuntu, Debian, Suse and others os)
- Setup system and maintenance mail server zimbra, dns server, proxy server, ftp server, monitoring server cacti, grafana, zabbix and others
- Setup system and maintenance Virtual Machine (Vmware esxi, proxmox, KVM Linux)
- Setup system and maintenance docker, kubernetes for devops
- Setup system and maintenance server mysql, postgresql
- Setup system and maintenance server web (apache, nginx and others)
- Setup system and maintenance server network firewall untangle
- Setup system and maintenance server hosting whm cpanel
- Setup system and maintenance server automation ansible, jenkins
Saya mempunyai pengalaman kurang lebih 9tahun dibidang IT Sysadmin & Network
Salam Hormat,