• (022) 6902 1117

donisaputradev (donisaputradev)



As a Software Engineer who is reliable and experience, I have specialized in mobile application development development using Flutter. With experience of more than three years of experience, I have devoted two years to working in startups and spent the rest as a freelancer. During my career, many innovative products that I have developed, including SuperApp, umrah agent app, item donation app, event organizer, to cashier application. My expertise lies in ability to build effective and efficient solutions that are effective and efficient for various business needs business needs.

Laravel Framework Flutter

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User Name: donisaputradev
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 13/05/2023 07:47:43 WIB
Last Seen: 07/12/2024 11:05:03 WIB
Provinsi: Sumatera Utara
Kabupaten: Kab. Labuhan Batu Utara
Website: https://donisaputra.com
Online Hours: 71.44
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2024: KasirSUPER - Offline & Online Kasir App

This is a project production from the flutter class where I am the mentor. This application belongs to KodingWorks where I worked before and this application was built by myself to help KodingWorks create products.

2024: KasiOrang - Social & Donation App

This is a donation and social app where users can negotiate for an item they want to donate. This application is built with flutter and the backend api uses laravel.

2024: Agen Mobile NRW - Umroh Agent App

This is an application built with flutter where with this application umroh agents can more easily manage umroh packages and registered pilgrims. here I am tasked with refactoring the entire code only and maybe it will be updated to publish january 2025.

2024: INAmikro - Kasir Online & Offline App

INAmikro is a cashier application specifically designed to help Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) manage their sales transactions more efficiently. This application is built with flutter.

2024: APMF 2024 - Event Organizer App

Founded in 2005, APMF is a gathering of forward-looking brands, publishers, agencies and technologists to share and exchange innovative consumer engagement ideas amidst a revolutionized media landscape, ever-evolving consumer behavior and innovative technologies.

Held every 2 years on the magical island of Bali, this 3-day forum is the most important gathering of marketing, advertising and media stakeholders in Indonesia and Asia Pacific.

2024: OpenVPN - Flutter

This is a vpn app using OpenVPN built with Flutter and integrated with firebase and google admob.

2024: Qaznetic - Platform Education

Qaznetic is a platform that offers educational services, digital assets, and the latest information. This platform is built using Laravel, Firebase and others.

2024: Veebase - Flutter Dashboard Template

This is a responsive flutter dashboard template that can run on various platforms such as windows, mac, linux, android, ios and web.




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