• (022) 6902 1117

Berliano Surya (berlianosurya)



Saya merupakan web developer khususnya React developer dan Javascript developer dengan pengalaman lebih dari 3 tahun.

Cek portfolio milik saya:https://berliano.my.id

Beberapa skill saya yaitu:

  1. React js,
  2. Express js,
  3. HTML,
  4. CSS,
  5. Javascript,
  6. SQL,
  7. MongoDB
  8. React Native.
Kenapa web milik anda harus menggunakan ReactJS:
  • Dapat meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna
  • Mengubah web menjadi interaktif, yang menjadi daya tarik pengguna
  • Ekosistem yang luas/ besar
  • Mudah dalam mengembangkan web ketika projek bertambah besar
Saya sering mengembangkan sendiri berbagai aplikasi web dengan berbagai tujuan yang beberapa tertera pada bagian portofolio.

Web Programming JavaScript Web Design Website Building HTML CSS NodeJS MongoDB ReactJS React Native

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User Name: berlianosurya
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 16/01/2024 10:00:26 WIB
Last Seen: 29/05/2024 00:07:30 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Tengah
Kabupaten: Kab. Kudus
Website: https://berliano.my.id
Online Hours: 16.49
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2022: Project description
Provide information about webinars and podcasts. The features:
1. Admin dashboard(To add, delete, and edit webinar/ podcast datas. To login as admin add /adminLogin to the main URL path username: admin password: 123)
2. Like/ dislike webinar or podcast
3. Filter by category
4. Login
5. Register
6. Update profile

2022: Project description:
Built with React.js. The main feature is CRUD the job data with the admin dashboard look. Filter or search jobs by any keyword.

2022: A simple web that let users to add, edit, delete, and archive notes. Built with React.js. The other features are: change theme, user authentication, and change language.

2023: Situs Penentuan Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi is my final project from my thesis. The project's purpose is to find supervisors for students that have same interests. The other functionality is: admin's dashboard to manage students and supervisors




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