• (022) 6902 1117

albyarmasa (albyarmasa)



HELLO, welome to my work

Saya adalah seorang desainer,

mungkin pekerjaan saya bisa membantu pekerjaan anda juga!

            Jasa desain yang saya tawarkan :

  • Desain brosur / flyer
  • Desain LOGO
  • Desain banner
  • Desain label
  • Desain poster
  • Bussines card / Undangan
  • Desain feed/konten instagram
  • Brand desain / Produk
  • Instastory
  • Billboard
  • Cover buku
  • Desain kaos / seragam kantor
  • Maskot

WA : 085735480370
Project/Portofolio : 

terima kasih

Design Arts CorelDRAW Logo Design Adobe PhotoShop Vector Graphics Adobe Illustrator UI Design AAA Logo

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User Name: albyarmasa
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 16/08/2019 11:07:01 WIB
Last Seen: 27/06/2020 12:20:21 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kab. Kediri
Website: https://dribbble.com/AlbyArmasa
Online Hours: 13.36
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2020: maybe the word dictator is common to the ear and it seems like many people already know, here I'm just having fun with an idea and selling it, always every new idea can be an achievement

2020: Golmcat logo concept,
Every new idea can be an achievement.

2020: The concept of the Q queen smoking logo

2020: monogram sword ticket logo concept,
Every new idea can be an achievement.

2020: paper shield logo concept
every new idea can be an achievement

2020: killing love logo concept
every new idea can be an achievement

2020: Simple logo concept of paper clips and butterflies
every new idea can be an achievement

2020: business card, the natural crown beauty logo is great
every new idea can be an achievement

2020: golmcat clear mockup custom

2020: the concept of the rhino and stone logo

2020: the project contest DruBru t-shirt

2020: horn tuxedo project for brand cloth

2020: gunungan keris logo concept indonesian cultural logo design

2020: simple boomerang logotype concept

2020: bell wizard logo concept
every new idea can be an achievement

2020: cloud sushi japan logo concept
every new idea can be an achievement

2020: unique logo with a half-hearted swan shape or being heartbroken,
every new idea can be an achievement




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