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rasend (rasend)



Hello, my name is Rasend.

I enjoy writing and am currently studying informatics. Writing is an invaluable skill, especially in today's digital world. You can use your writing skills for a variety of purposes, including creating, sharing knowledge, or even as a career in content, technical, or creative writing.

Majoring in informatics is also an excellent choice. In this digital era, information technology plays an important role in almost all industries. The study of informatics will allow you to learn the basics of programming, software development, databases, artificial intelligence, computer security and other topics related to technology.

Writing CSS Templates Microsoft Office HTML CSS Git Github

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User Name: rasend
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 17/07/2023 16:47:04 WIB
Last Seen: 30/11/2024 11:08:27 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kab. Pacitan
Website: https://rasend-github-io.vercel.app
Online Hours: -7.75
Projects Won: 0
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