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arziqb (arziqb)



Saya seorang mobile developer dengan skill utama di flutter, saya sudah menyelesaikan beberapa aplikasi yang sudah di upload di playstore dan di pakai banyak orang, saya juga beberapa kali membuat project pribadi untuk kebutuhan google ads.

Mobile Programming Flutter

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User Name: arziqb
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 01/08/2023 18:31:05 WIB
Last Seen: 09/09/2023 09:30:15 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kab. Lamongan
Online Hours: 2.07
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2023: Golden Habits App, The 9 Golden Habits for Brighter Muslims

The Golden Habits application is an application that can help evaluate daily worship. In the application, there are 9 daily practices

The Muslim Pang application is comprehensive and easy to use, providing daily services for the needs of Muslims, including obligatory prayers, ratip prayers

The Golden Habits application is an application that can help evaluate the daily practice of a Muslim.
In it there are practices that can lead you to become a true Muslim.
Becoming a true Muslim person is the dream of all Muslims. You can live it by doing 9 great practices to get to success and glory in life.
The 9 practices that become the golden habits of true Muslims include:
1. prayer
2. Fasting sunnah
3. Zakat, infaq and alms
4. Islamic civilized
5. recitation of the Qur'an
7. Read every day
8. Preaching and organizing
9. Think positive.

2023: Internal company applications, for employees,
features like SAP




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