Halo, selamat datang di profile kami
Programmer full stack
Ada yang bisa kami bantu ?
Butuh Aplikasi Mobile (Android/IOS), Aplikasi Desktop atau Website ?
Butuh design Logo, Banner atau Graphic Design lainnya ?
Punya masalah pada Hardware / Networking ?
Percayakan segala kebutuhan anda pada dunia IT dan design kepada kami yang sudah berpengalaman
Manfaatkan layanan konsultasi gratis dengan kami untuk berdiskusi tentang kebutuhan anda.
kami siap membantu, menangani (memberikan solusi) dan menyelesaikan projects Anda dengan efisien untuk spesifikasi berikut:
- PHP Native
- Desktop Programming (Delphi)
- Website Development (Apps & Design)
- WordPress CMS (Installation, Configuration, Troubleshooting, Performance & Reliability)
- WordPress Support (Hacked, Theme Fix, Plugin Fix, Upgrade, Migration)
- Custom WordPress Plugin
- Custom WordPress Theme
- Landing Page
- Open Journal Systems (OJS) - Installing & Redesign
- Open Conference Systems (OCS) - Installing & Redesign
- EPrints (Repository) - Installing & Redesign
- Moodle - Installing & Redesign
- Forum (vBulletin, XenForo) - Installation & Redesign
- SMTP Relay - Installing and Configuring
- VPN (L2TP/IPSec, OpenVPN, SoftEther VPN, WireGuard)
- E-Commerce (PrestaShop, WooCommerce, OpenCart, Remarkety, Klaviyo)
- Networking & Server Administration (SCO Unix, FreeBSD, CentOS, Ubuntu)
- Virtualization (vSphere Hypervisor (VMware ESXi), Microsoft Hyper-V, KVM, Xen HVM, Open VZ, Proxmox)
- Managed VPS, Dedicated & Shared Hosting
- Transfer Domain & Custom E-mail
- Database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB)
- Web Server (Apache, Lighttpd, Nginx)
- Varnish Setup (Install & configure Varnish Cache for your VPS)
- Zentyal (Linux Small Business Server) - Installing and Configuring
- Nextcloud (File Hosting) - Installing and Configuring
- DKAN Open Data Platform (The Platform for Government Open Data)
- Control Panel (WHCMS, WHM, cPanel, VestaCP, Webuzo, CWP, Sentora, aaPanel, Plesk, ISPConfig, Kloxo, ZPanel, Webmin, EHCP, DTC, Interworx, Ajenti, hPanel, DirectAdmin, ISPmanager)
profesional dan proposional
We take care of your IT. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.
info lebih lanjut kami
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