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yudifaturohman_ (yudifaturohman_)



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User Name: yudifaturohman_
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 29/01/2023 17:54:53 WIB
Last Seen: 13/04/2024 19:50:05 WIB
Provinsi: Provinsi Lainnya
Kabupaten: Kabupaten/Kota Lainnya
Website: yudifaturohman.my.id
Online Hours: 69.44
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2019: This application was developed for the needs of reporting surface water taxes in all districts and cities of Banten Province. As for what was done in the development of
this project, namely:Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for Pajak Air Reporting (SITAPAP), Build webbased applications, and Build a REST API for android-based applications as a need for monitoring income from each region. Technology used:
1. Laravel Framework (PHP)
2. Ajax JavaScript
3. SQL Databases
4. Centos server for the operating system in use

2019: The application is used for vehicle fuel tax reporting that is obtained from all vehicle fuel supply companies in the Banten Province. As for what was done in the development of this project, namely: Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for Pengembangan Aplikasi PD, Build web-based applications, and Build a REST API for android-based applications as a need for monitoring income from each region. Technology used:
1. Laravel Framework (PHP)
2. Ajax JavaScript
3. SQL Databases
4. Centos server for the operating system in use

2020: This application is to preserve Javanese vocabulary in Banten Province. As for what was done in the development of this project, namely: Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for the Jawa Banten Language Dictionary application, Website landing page design for the application, and Build a REST API for android-based applications. Technology used:
1. Laravel Framework (PHP)
2. Livewire
3. SQL Databases
4. Ubuntu server for the operating system in use

2021: This application is to preserve the Sundanese Baduy vocabulary in Lebak Regency, Banten Province. As for what was done in the development of this project, namely: Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for the Sundanese Baduy Language Dictionary application, Website landing page design for the application, and Build a REST API for android-based applications. Technology used:
1. Laravel Framework (PHP)
2. Livewire
3. SQL Databases
4. Ubuntu server for the operating system in use

2021: BACA SASTRA an application to read digital literature books developed by the Language Center of South Kalimantan Province in order to add to the treasures of literary works in Indonesia, especially in South Kalimantan Province. As for what was done in the development of this project, namely: Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for the BACA SASTRA application, and Website landing page design for the application. Technology used:
1. Laravel Framework (PHP)
2. Livewire
3. SQL Databases
4. Ubuntu server for the operating system in use

2021: Content Management System (CMS) Pemerintah Kabupaten Serang which functions as information and publication media in Serang Regency. The CMS projects that are made are not only this but all other agencies, for example, the Inspectorate (inspektorat.serangkab.go.id), RSUD (rsud.serangkab.go.id), DKBPPPA (dkbpppa.serangkab.go.id) and other agencies. Technology used:
1. Laravel Freamwork (PHP)
2. SQL Databases
3. SQL Databases
4. Ubuntu server for the operating system in use
5. Livewire

2022: The Serangopen application is an application for submitting social assistance grants for all community organizations in Serang Regency. As for what was done in the development of this project, namely: Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for the SERANGOPEN application, and Website landing page design for the application. Technology used:
1. Laravel Framework (PHP)
2. Livewire
3. SQL Databases
4. Ubuntu server for the operating system in use

2022: The PPDB Online application is a new student admission application for the junior high school level in Serang Regency. In the application there is a filtering system that is in accordance with local regulations for whether the student is accepted or not. As for what was done in the development of this project, namely: Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for the PPDB application, and Website landing page design for the application. Technology used:
1. Laravel Framework (PHP)
2. Livewire
3. SQL Databases
4. Ubuntu server for the operating system in use

2022: Sistem Informasi Penilaian Prestasi Kerja atau disingkat SIPKERJA Online dapat digunakan oleh seluruh PNS/CPNS di lingkungan Pemerintah Kabupaten Serang dengan tujuan agar setiap Pegawai dapat terbantu dalam menyusun Penilaian Prestasi Kerja PNS (PPK PNS) serta penyampaian realisasi/capaian kinerja pegawai. Dari proses penyampaian skp dan capaian kinerja secara online akan memudahkan pimpinan OPD dalam melakukan penilaian prestasi kerja pegawai dilingkungan kantornya.. As for what was done in the development of this project, namely: Analyzing user requirements into specifications, system flow, and development technology architecture for the SIPKERJA application, and Buid Mobile Version. Technology used:
1. Codeigniter Framework (PHP)
2. Lumen API
3. SQL Databases
4. Ubuntu server for the operating system in use
5. Flutter




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