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Iqbal Aristya (IqbalAristya)



i've skill in Web Programming & C++ Programming , in web programming i make it with framework laravel & codeigniter sometime i make it too without framework and it's pure php programming, in c++ programming i've already make some program like cashier ,sms gateway and program with shell function.

English Graphic Design MySQL Web Programming PHP CodeIgniter C/C++ E-Commerce Web Design Laravel Framework

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User Name: IqbalAristya
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 30/11/2014 09:51:57 WIB
Last Seen: 22/12/2015 11:09:41 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bogor
Website: rendzhimaru.com
Online Hours: 48.16
Projects Won: 0
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2011: My Web Page

2011: My Another Web Page

2011: My lovely Web Page

2014: Police Management System, Monitoring Location & Timeline Information

2014: School Operation E-learning, Student Task, And Teacher Operation

2014: E-commerce Computer Shop

2014: E-Commerce Food Ordering

2015: Company Profile of Property

2015: Tour And Agent with API Tiket.com and Tour Customize user friendly

2015: Website Travel Blog full responsive

2015: Ecommerce , Toko Online sunda motor .




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