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vwdr13 (vwdr13)



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User Name: vwdr13
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 06/01/2018 17:17:29 WIB
Last Seen: 07/04/2019 15:13:16 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Pusat
Online Hours: 0.65
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2014: Grayscale is map-based data aggregator website for telecommunication industry. It provides display of their network coverage data acquired from base transceiver stations and user inputs. Some examples of coverage data includes 3G, 2G, GPRS network.
Grayscale can also aggregates raw data and calculates their summaries for GIS based decision making..

2014: This system is used to create and simulate system dynamics mathematic models. By using system dynamics we can predict more accurately any interaction and changes any entities in the model.

2014: Rubik's cube solver using ant colony optimization (ACO) for research purpose. This solver is being used by Sampoerna University

2015: E-Acceptance (Atanela) is document management and approval system built for thousands of users. E-Acceptance can handles variety of documents approval and reviews flow thanks to its runtime configurability.

2015: Limas Operating Integrated System (LOIS) is the app to control item shipping from one region to another. This app is currently being used by PT Limas Sentosa Antar Nusa

2016: Sistem Infomasi Desa dan Kawasan (SIDEKA) adalah sistem informasi berbasis desktop untuk manajemen data desa terpadu seperti data kependudukan, keuangan dan pemetaan desa. Aplikasi ini telah digunakan oleh 222 desa diseluruh provinsi.

2018: Dashboard Tata Kelola Desa adalah sistem informasi berbasis web yang digunakan pada level pemerintahan untuk memantau data input dari SIDEKA.




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