Professional Fullstack Developer, had a lot experience for doing a web development and mobile apps as well, both of backend and frontend development
Fajar Kurniawan K (deskcode)
Web Programming jQuery Wordpress Web Design Website Building Wordpress Templates HTML CSS Laravel Framework AngularJS
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User Name: | deskcode |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 30/10/2017 02:21:46 WIB |
Last Seen: | 12/08/2020 10:33:56 WIB |
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Kabupaten: | Kota Jakarta Pusat |
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Online Hours: | 8.06 |
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Sistem Binary MLM PHP ( Silex Version )
Rp 5,000,0000.00/10.00 0
DEMO URL DEMO ACCOUNT : Username : demo Password : demo ADMIN ACCOUNT Username: administrator Password : administrator Kami menyediakan sistem Binary MLM berbasis web, kami menggunakan teknologi terbaru didalam development, dengan menggunakan framework php silex, Mysql PDO dan jQuery AJAX dan CSS3 serta GUI yang mudah dan menarik, yang dapat meningkatkan performa bisnis MLM anda HEY, AND YOU KNOW WHAT ? ITS 100% OPENSOURCE MAIN FEATURES What makes our system is really unique and different from the other binary mlm sofware ? and what makes our system is better than the other...
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2016: ERA VENTURE GROUP started as a trading and distribution company of consumer products in the Asia Pacific region in 2006. With more than 20 years of experience in personal care businesses and regional markets, the management team decided to go into brand development.
2017: BWCOMMS | Established in Indonesia since June 2001. Run by a team of seven PR professionals Managing Partner, Public Relations Coordinators, Account Services Coordinators, Office Management Coordinator.
Our team possesses strategic PR skills, persuasive verbal and writing skills and strong media relations. We are focused and yet, we are flexible with our approaches to client services.
2017: INDONESIAPR | is among the few services that will deliver your content directly into the editorial systems of media outlets across Indonesia, multiplying your reach by thousands as your press release appears alongside the day’s breaking news.
For unrivalled visibility is the provider to trust in getting your valuable content to the media.
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