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Rayhan (hanzumaki18)
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User Name: | hanzumaki18 |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 14/07/2022 09:49:52 WIB |
Last Seen: | 10/03/2024 01:24:01 WIB |
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2022: Welcome to my firs post, on this occasin allow me introduce myself firstMy name is Rayhan Sahrul Muharom, and i am a student in the Ma’had islamic boarding school Al-Falah Kebon Kalapa Cibalanarik Tanjungjaya and also now sit in class XI attending of my pleace of residence in Tasimalaya district West Java.
And than my favorite sports is a Pencak silat (Martials arts) and chess but i also like to running or marathon, i like ngoprek is technician especially about technology networking and little on programming but my basic is also in drawing and editing in the metter of art, no doubt since elementary school i like the sundanese it’s cultural arts, especially there are Pupuh, Karawitan, Angklung sered, Biantara and many more. And in the art of drawing is kaligrafi font arabic if a music i lke it’s participate in the group Rebana Qosidah (LASQI), Gambus and Marawis groups.. And i really like it all ..
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