ranggaaditya (ranggaaditya)
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User Name: | ranggaaditya |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 04/06/2020 23:43:54 WIB |
Last Seen: | 17/07/2024 11:18:30 WIB |
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Online Hours: | 4.43 |
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Proofreading Check Grammar English dan Spelling serta Plagiarism
Rp 50,0000.00/10.00 0
I'm a University Student majoring in Food Technology. As a Food Technology student, we have to write a research article in English language with correct grammar and sentence uses. Thus, I looked forward to assisting you, whether through writing, proofreading, or editing your work. I accepted every kind of work and any Genre. I will thoroughly check your document for: Grammar Check spelling Check Punctuation Redundancy Sentence Structure I also offer unlimited revision for your work, Thus your document will be exactly what you need and expected You can easily contact and monitor my work through message, and I will response it as soon as possible Looking forward to working with you :)
Data Entri Microsoft Excel
Rp 50,0000.00/10.00 0
Hi, My name is Rangga Aditya. I'm a University student majoring in Food Technology and a businessman. As a Food Technology student, I have to be able to enter and tabulate the research data in proper order and analyze it in a proper way within using Microsoft Excel software or other statistical software such as SPSS and Minitab. Thus, Entry data on Excel spreadsheets as part of my life and I will do my best to finish the project. What I'll do: Ms. Excel Ms. Word Data collection & mining Web research Copy typing Website to Excel Data processing Statistical analysis (using software SPSS or Minitab) Why will you hire me: Unlimited Revision and Dedicated to working until you are fully satisfied On-time delivery 100% refund guaranty Fast response I am available anytime to discuss your virtual assistant and project needs...
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