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Mazuhdi01 (Mazuhdi01)



Saya mahasiswa Teknik Komputer yang sedang magang di bidang Back End Development di sebuah startup, dengan projects.co.id saya harap saya bisa membantu dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan kemampuan yang saya punya.

Data Entry Database Programming MySQL Oracle Arduino Web Programming PHP CodeIgniter Laravel Framework Electronic Circuit Design

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User Name: Mazuhdi01
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 21/04/2019 10:48:07 WIB
Last Seen: 14/11/2021 17:43:15 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bekasi
Website: mazuhdi.github.io
Online Hours: 13.93
Projects Won: 0
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2020: As a Backend Developer

SIPEMA is web based e-learning. This project built for the final project in Software Engineering subject in 5th semester.

Technologies: CodeIgniter4, MySQL

2021: As a Backend Developer

Halaman Personal is a website builder (web) application which allows its users to provide information about them. The website that generated by HalamanPersonal is simillar to online CV, but with style and more interactive, and also simillar to portfolio/personal website.

This app is consist of three services.

First, halamanpersonal.my.id is for client-side (end-user do almost everything here).
Second, halamanpersonal-backend.herokuapp.com is for backend services and serving API.
Third, halamanpersonal-images.my.id is for image hosting.

The reason halamanpersonal-images.my.id was built because every time our backend push a new update to production branch, all files that has been uploaded to the server (Heroku) were gone. So we decided to create another app that only meant for uploading images (the app hosted on a cheap shared-hosting).

Technologies: React, Next.js, Laravel, PostgreSQL




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