101LabIt Tecknology (agung230303)
MySQL PostgreSQL JavaScript PHP CodeIgniter Laravel Framework Xcode AngularJS Desktop Programming SQL Server
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User Name: | agung230303 |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 14/08/2017 09:15:40 WIB |
Last Seen: | 30/11/2017 12:39:39 WIB |
Provinsi: | Jawa Barat |
Kabupaten: | Kab. Bandung |
Website: | |
Online Hours: | 14.70 |
Projects Won: | 0 |
Projects Completed: | 0 |
Completion Rate | - |
Projects Arbitrated: | 0 |
Arbitration Rate | - |
Current Projects: | 0 |
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Jasa Memasukan Applikasi ke GOOGLE PLAYSTORE
Rp 100,0000.00/10.00 0
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