• (022) 6902 1117

Sintong Simamora (sintongsimamora)



Saya Sintong, memiliki Sertifikasi Konsultan Pajak A & B serta berkerja Kantor Auditor di Surabaya, pengalaman terkait Tax and Accounting, Feel Free to Ask

Tax Consultation Accounting Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel

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User Name: sintongsimamora
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 11/02/2022 09:59:32 WIB
Last Seen: 19/07/2024 11:32:20 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kota Surabaya
Online Hours: 2,689.77
Projects Won: 9
Projects Completed: 9
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
613 Point
#951 dari 1,185,282
9 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
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0 Point
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0 Sales
As Affiliate
0 Point
No Ranking
4 Users



Jasa Tax and Accounting

Rp 300,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Pembuatan dan Review Laporan Keuangan  Pelaporan Surat Pemberitahuna (SPT) Masa dan Tahunan Konsultasi Pajak Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan + SPT Tahunan start 1.000.000 Pembuatan SPT Masa 300.000 Konsultasi Pajak 300.000            

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2022: Second Project Done

2022: First Project Done

2022: Third Project

2022: 4th Project



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Sangat profesional dan tertib dalam pengerjaan

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Terima kas i h attas semua penjelasannya pak. semoga bisa diskusi lagi kemudian hari

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