• (022) 6902 1117

ppradikta (ppradikta)



Hi there,
My name is Pradikta, as a Junior UI/UX Designer I use my creativity to add value to your product! The solution to fix your problem?

Adobe PhotoShop Behance Adobe XD

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User Name: ppradikta
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 15/03/2024 22:07:50 WIB
Last Seen: 15/03/2024 22:36:01 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kota Malang
Online Hours: 0.46
Projects Won: 0
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2021: Merchandise Design

2022: Here I am sharing the results of the rebound design from Odama studio that I made. The theme I took this time is ecommerce from a business brand in the clothing industry. The look of this website is made with cleanliness in mind and a modern style that is easy to use by users.

2023: I just finished a UI design project for a local clothing business in Indonesia.

Matihless is a business in the clothing sector in Indonesia. With this, Matihless supports competition between local clothing products in Indonesia and foreign countries. With professional business struggles, Matihless prioritizes an aesthetic impression and quality products.

2023: I have just completed a UI design project for a shoe washing business, namely Dropndry.

Dropndry is a business in the cleaning sector in Indonesia. With this, Dropndry supports world cleanliness and can improve your appearance during your activities so that you still look clean and attractive.

2023: Dropndry Shoes Cleaning Design




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