• (022) 6902 1117

maulanafatullah (maulanafatullah)



Thank you for visiting my profile; here I will share a little of my experience. My current position is as a Freelancer in the Web Design and Graphic Design fields. I initially majored in programming, but after graduation, a lot of factors prevented me from continuing to work as a programmer. So, for personal reasons, I decided to work as a Food Handler. After nearly three years as a Food Handler, I chose to return to the profession in which I was active in high school. However, my present concentration is on the application or website's User Interface.    
The following is a list of my tools for Web Design, Graphic Design and Photo Editing:    
Web Development :    
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • TailwindCSS
  • ReactJS
UI/UX :    
  • Figma
Photo Editing :    
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Snapseed
Graphic Design :    
  • Canva
With so much experience and knowledge from me, perhaps it can answer your questions; if you have any additional queries, please contact me on accessible Social Media.    
Maulana Fatullah    

English Graphic Design Logo Design Photography JavaScript Web Design CSS Git ReactJS UI Design

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User Name: maulanafatullah
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 09/01/2023 13:58:18 WIB
Last Seen: 29/02/2024 16:42:59 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kota Bogor
Website: https://www.maulanafatullah.my.id
Online Hours: 83.57
Projects Won: 0
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Pembuatan UI/UX Design untuk Website atau Aplikasi Mobile menggunakan Figma

Rp 730,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Hai, Saya akan mendesain hi-fi wireframe di Figma dengan modern, eye-catchy, dan user-friendly. Anda dapat memeriksa beberapa proyek yang telah saya lakukan di atas dengan mengunjungi halaman Fiverr saya disini . Dan saya juga bisa develop Web menggunakan HTML, CSS (TailwindCSS), JavaScript (untuk animasi). Silahkan pilih paket yang anda butuhkan : Semua paket termasuk versi Mobile dan Desktop (Website). Paket Basic: 2 revisi Maksimal 5 section Pengiriman 2 Hari (1 hari untuk layanan tambahan) Paket Standard: 4 revisi Up to 10 bagian Source file Pengiriman 3 hari (2 hari untuk layanan tambahan) Paket Premium: Revisi tanpa batas Up to 15 section Source file Maksimum 8 bagian Pengiriman 5 Hari (3 hari untuk layanan tambahan Client dapat meminta layanan tambahan, seperti: Tambahan section Fast delivery Pembuatan prototype Source file Convert to HTML/CSS Tambahan 1 Hari 1 revisi Persyaratan : (*) = Wajib, selain itu Opsional Penjelasan detail dan sketsa kasar atau lo-fi wireframe tiap bagian (*) Konten setiap bagian (*) Assets (*) Referensi Web/Aplikasi Catatan : Jika saya tidak dapat mengonversi desain ke HTML/CSS, saya akan menolak tawaran tersebut...

Total Rows: 1 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 1




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2018: Graphic Design

2022: This is my first project for an online education school as well as my personal website, and I'm simply using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I plan to redesign my website shortly using TailwindCSS.

2022: By manipulating the DOM and animating some of the website's elements, I was able to enhance my JavaScript and CSS skills while creating this website. Unfortunately, I was unable to use API for this website despite my best efforts.

2022: For my friend's barbershop, I made him this website to promote it. In addition to learning TailwindCSS, I utilize it to finish this website.

2022: I was making an attempt to revamp the website for the business where my aunt works. By the way, if you require services from this business, you may also get in touch with me.

https://tre-elevator.co.id/ this is the official website of this company.

2022: The website was created with TailwindCSS and was inspired by the website of Enrico Deiana. In an effort to understand more about the features and design of the website, I also try to mimic it.

2022: Actually, when studying about ReactJS and utilizing Vite for Tools, I copied this webpage from the YouTube channel of JavaScript Mastery. This website also includes TailwindCSS. I was attempting to animate scrolling movement using the GSAP Plugin after I had built the website.

2022: Cryon Wireframe in Figma

2022: Pottahands wireframe in Figma

2022: Hoobank wireframe in Figma

2022: PT TRE Elevator wireframe in Figma

2022: inBeach wireframe in Figma

2023: Cryon V2 Wireframe in Figma




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