• (022) 6902 1117

Need lots of writers for short English articles


Two shorts articles, around 700 words per article:
- The price is for two articles
- Casual tones for general non-techie readers.
- We will give you a very clear brief, all you need to do is follow.
- Meticulous is following guidelines
- Each article is uniquely written (we encountered past writers who plagiarize their own other articles).
- If necessary, we will ask for revision.
- Must know how to write good English, preferably Know how to speak/write like natives, not just rewriting, copy-paste, NO GOOGLE TRANSLATE, and NO PLAGIARISM
- Good knowledge in mobile technology, phone article and tutorials, review, and all the derivatives
- Professional and punctual, able to meet deadlines on Friday morning each week to give room for revision.

Please give us your related portfolio.

If you don't have any portfolio, write us two sample paragraphs about a phone review for Samsung Galaxy A01

English Writing Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 70,000 - 100,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 16/11/2020 20:01:59 WIB
Start Date: 20/11/2020 10:41:03 WIB
Finish Date: 23/11/2020 15:31:23 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Stephanie (stephanielambrt)
Accepted Budget: Rp 85,000
Project Ending: Completed

Project Owner

127 Point
#4,147 dari 1,258,620
Rated Worker: 10.00/10.00

Komunikatif dan tanggap saat revisi. Terima kasih untuk kerja samanya

Accepted Worker

Kota Jakarta Timur
690 Point
#868 dari 1,258,620
Rated Owner: 10.00/10.00

Thank you for the opportunity and guidance.

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