- Write
in English Sites
- NO
- NO
- Write
in proper grammar
- Credible
article and responsible to the contents
- Must
be in well structured: heading, lists, internal link, numbering, bullets, etc
- All
articles published belong to the owner
- Able
to follow the tight deadlines
- Write 50 Articles
- Able to write minimum 1 article in 1 day 490 words
Fee 625K
Salary Rp.500K + 125K Bonus
Terms and Conditions for Bonus
- All
the project must be done in 30 days
- For
example, if we accepted your bid on 8 October, then the project is finished
maximum on 8 November.
- The
maximum interlude is 3 days.
- Able
to meet all the structures such as meta description, internal link, additional
title, and etc in the first 5 articles.
- If
it’s not, you can’t get the bonus