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Raspberry PI with camera and door sensor


Raspberry PI with camera and door sensor

Goal: To use camera to monitor a door. If the door is open, the camera should start take picture and upload picture to web server. If the door is closed, the camera stop take picture. The Raspberry PI need 2 sensor: 1 camera and 1 door sensor (magnetic). The pictures is uploaded over WiFi (not Ethernet) to web server. The web server is provided from project owner.

Project INCLUDE Hardware and Software:

Hardware: Raspberry PI (with power supply) + camera + door sensor

Software functionality:

Loop 1 : run every 1 second)
Check door state
If door is open:
-- 1) Take picture
-- 2) Save picture to local storage

Loop 2: run continously, no delay)
Upload picture from local storage to web server (WiFi)
If success upload:
-- Delete picture from local storage

The software should always run and start automatically when the Raspberry PI is started. The web server API URL should be configured from a config file. The software can be manually started/stopped from command line. But it should start automatically when the Raspberry PI is started. So in case of power cut / reboot, the software will run again after Raspberry PI is started.

Web server, the API is provided by project owner.

Admin Note:

- Owner tidak diperkenankan meminta dibuatkan sample pekerjaan untuk project yang akan dibuat ini, kecuali sample yang pernah dibuat oleh worker dari project-project sebelumnya di Projects.co.id atau situs lainnya.

- Owner juga tidak diperkenankan menyebarkan link questioner dalam bentuk apapun selama masa penawaran.

- Dilarang mentransfer langsung kepada owner atau kepada worker, semua transaksi keuangan harus melalui rekening escrow projects.co.id a.n. PT. Panonppoe Media.

- Kepada worker/owner mohon untuk segera melaporkan kepada admin - via contact form - jika ada pihak yang melanggar ketentuan diatas

Programming Arduino Embedded Linux Linux Programming Integration Embedded System Microcontroller Electronic

Published Budget: Rp 1,000,000 - 3,000,000
Published Date: 29/03/2024 11:14:52 WIB
Select Deadline: 28/04/2024 11:14:52 WIB
Finish Days: 7
Project Status: Published
Bid Count: 10
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