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Seleksi & Rekrutmen Tim Terjemah / Penerjemah / Menerjemah artikel Inggris ke Indonesia


Kami menawarkan kesempatan bagi siapa saja yg mahir menerjemahkan artikel bahasa inggris ke Indonesia. akan ada project rutin.

Tarif yg kami tawarkan adalah Rp10.000 per 1.500 kata dan mampu selesaikan minimal 6.000 kata per hari.

Jika Anda merasa layak, silakan bid dengan menyertakan terjemahan paragraf di bawah.

Diamonds were formed by being 'squeezed together' and according to scientists, this happened about a hundred million years ago. At that time there existed beneath the ground a mass of hot liquid rock. The earth was in its early cooling stage, and in the process the mass of liquid rock was subjected to extreme heat and pressure. One of the results was that certain chemical combinations were formed. And one of these was highly crystallized carbon - what we call a 'diamond'.

Two of the most interesting things about diamonds are their hardness and their brilliance. A diamond is actually about five times as hard as the next hardest substance on earth. Because a diamond is so hard, getting it ready for use in jewelry is quite a complicated and skillful process.

First, a diamond is cleaved, or divided. This requires a great deal of study to make sure it will split along certain natural lines. A narrow notch is then cut with another diamond having a sharp point. An iron or steel edge is laid on this line and a sharp blow is struck. If all has been done correctly, the diamond splits instantly in two in exactly the direction desired.

Dilarang menggunakan alat bantu atau software penerjemah.

Yang berhasil lolos seleksi akan kami invite pada private projects kami. Terima kasih.

English Translation Writing

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 1
Published Date: 25/05/2017 12:54:28 WIB
Start Date: 12/06/2017 13:51:55 WIB
Finish Date: 12/06/2017 13:57:39 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: manusiabaru (manusiabaru)
Accepted Budget: Rp 50,000
Project Ending: Completed

Project Owner

140 Point
#3,796 dari 1,099,418
Rated Worker: 10.00/10.00 Thx skali saya ucapkan thx......

Accepted Worker

5 Point
#9,563 dari 1,099,418
Rated Owner: 10.00/10.00

thx pak, next time lg y pak.

      User Bids


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