• (022) 6902 1117

Zanatika (Azkara)



Hi, my name is Zanatika, I have more than 10 years of experience working with digital illustration design. A strong computer background with proficiency in computer graphic programs. I am hardworking, focused, very fast and deadline oriented.

CorelDRAW Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Adobe After Effects Microsoft Office

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User Name: Azkara
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 07/06/2020 01:50:31 WIB
Last Seen: 14/02/2023 10:47:42 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kota Surabaya
Online Hours: 252.93
Projects Won: 3
Projects Completed: 3
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
64 Point
#4,787 dari 1,271,099
3 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Seller
0 Point
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0 Sales
As Affiliate
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Users




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2013: Desain cover buku "Sistem Keselamatan Navigasi Kapal" untuk klien

2013: Poster Illustration for a client, All design progress is done in photoshop

2018: Poster design for a client, All design progress is done in photoshop

2018: Poster Illustration for a client, All design progress is done in photoshop

2018: Character design for a client, All design progress is done in photoshop

2019: Caricature design for a friend, All design progress is done in photoshop

2019: T-shirt design for an Italian volleyball team, All design progress is done in adobe illustrator

2019: Poster promo for a client, all design progress is done on photoshop

2019: t-shirt and mug Illustration design for a client, All design progress is done in photoshop

2020: Book cover of bedtime stories for kids, All design progress done in photoshop

2020: Cover book design for a client, All design progress is done in photoshop

2020: Caricature commission for a client, all design progress is done in photoshop



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

cepat dan efisien

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Auto-rated by system.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Superb>>Good Job<<

Total Rows: 3 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 1




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