• (022) 6902 1117

santuycreative27 (santuycreative27)




- Pembuatan system & Aplikasi (Web view, Android, LandingPage)

- Desain Grafis (Coreldraw, adobe, AI)

- Pengelolaan Media Sosial

*Sudah bekerjasama dgn beberapa perusahaan

Business Consultation Affiliate Marketing Animation Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Adobe After Effects .NET Compact Framework Content Management System (CMS) Android studio AAA Logo

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User Name: santuycreative27
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 01/01/2024 20:52:45 WIB
Last Seen: 27/10/2024 15:37:43 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Tengah
Kabupaten: Kab. Boyolali
Website: santuycreative.com
Online Hours: -2.98
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2021: Pembuatan aplikasi klinik kecantikan + penjualan produk

2023: Pembuatan system administrasi sekolah
Mulai dari PPDB

2023: Pembuatan System arsip bekerjasama dengan kampus unisri




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