• (022) 6902 1117

dastincaesar (dastincaesar)



Bidang yang ditekuni

  1. Graphic Design
  2. Illustrator
  3. Web Design & Developer
  4. Logo Maker
  5. Branding Identity Design
  6. Product Design
  7. Clothing Design
  8. Copywriter
  9. Interior Design
  10. Merchandise Design
  11. Photography
  12. Stationary Design
  13. Presentation Design

  1. Windows 8 Developer Conference
  2. Human Interaction & Computer
  3. Self Learning Design Graphic & Web
  4. Informtion Technology & Computer
Pengalaman Kerja

  1. Web Developer | PT MNC Group (3 Bulan)
  2. Graphic Designer & Web | PT Summarecon Agung (2th) ; PT Gunasland (1th-sekarang) ; HE Studio (sekarang)
  3. Multimedia & Video Editor| PT. MNC Group (3 bulan) ; PT Summarecon Agung (2th)
  4. Web Design | HE Studio (sekarang)
  5. Fotografer | PT Summarecon Agung (2th) ; HE Studio (sekarang)
  6. Copywriter & Magazine Editor (Writer) | PT Summarecon Agung (2th)

Motto ?
Menghasilkan sebuah karya dengan design sekelas premium yang PASTI tidak akan mengecewakan anda (klien) ;)

Info lebih lanjut mengenai portofolio bisa mengunjungi
Instagram: @irwntornando | @hestudio.id
Facebook: hestudio.id
Whatsapp: +62812 1955 8266

Terima kasih sudah bersedia mengunjungi profile saya

Warm Regards
Irwan Tornando

Email Marketing Graphic Design Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Multimedia Photography Video Editing Content Management System (CMS) Web Design Copywriter

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User Name: dastincaesar
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 20/12/2016 09:02:55 WIB
Last Seen: 09/03/2017 09:06:19 WIB
Provinsi: Banten
Kabupaten: Kota Tangerang
Website: www.instagram.com/hestudio.id
Online Hours: 69.31
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
Completion Rate-
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate-
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
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0 Point
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0 Sales
As Affiliate
0 Point
No Ranking
2 Users




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2016: Donor Darah, Vida Bekasi
Artwork Billboard | SocMed

Artwork Umbul-Umbul | Hoarding | Spanduk | Signboard

Artwork Flyer | Billboard

2016: Vida Bekasi Product, Roll Banner
Artwork Roll Banner Vida Bekasi’s Products

2016: Artwork Logo & Identity Card

2016: Website Porto by HE Studio

2016: Little Talk Coffee, Bekasi
Artwork Signboard | umbul2 | Rollbanner | Voucher | Signage

2016: Vida Fair 2016
Artwork MARKETING TOOLS (SocMed | Flyer | Umbul-Umbul | Proposal & Keygraphic)

2017: HE Studio - Company Profile Presentation




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