• (022) 6902 1117

xploriamedia (xploriamedia)



Before 2017, specifically in 2017, I had already developed a strong interest in design, including logo creation, brochure design, video editing, music composition, and even web design using HTML and CSS. Then, in September 2017, I embarked on an ambitious project by building a website called jawaracorpo.com. I coded this website natively using PHP from scratch, covering all aspects such as database design, HTML design, PHP coding, photo editing, logo creation, copywriting, and managing Onpage SEO for all the pages.

After a full month of development, I formed a team to support content writing and off-page SEO. Together with the team, we also successfully developed a social media engine called w-all.id. To date, both websites have achieved high Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) levels, namely:

- jawaracorpo.com: DA 25, PA 42

- w-all.id: DA 23, PA 40

My Personal Link : https://jawaracorpo.com/eddysiant

With such strong DA and PA, these websites have successfully attracted hot leads for homebuyers around Malang, with a Call to Action (CTA) button directing them to a WhatsApp number.

From all of these experiences, I have mastered a variety of key skills that can add significant value to different projects, such as:

1. Web Design

2. Graphic Design

3. SEO Copywriting

4. SEO Analysis

5. Video Editing

6. Audio/Music Editing

7. Search Engine Marketing (SEM - SEO & SEA) and Social Media Marketing (SMM - SMO & SMA)

8. Application Platform Conceptualization

Websites I have designed and built include:

1. [jawaracorpo.com](https://jawaracorpo.com) - A website for housing property sales

2. [w-all.id](https://w-all.id) - A social media/bookmarking website

3. [balibiru.com](https://balibiru.com) - Currently in optimization

4. [milarich.beauty](https://milarich.beauty) - Currently in optimization

5. [gugleng.com/system](https://gugleng.com/system/) - Currently in optimization

6. [thepremiere.co.id](https://thepremiere.co.id) - Currently in optimization

7. [lintaslogistik.com](https://lintaslogistik.com) - Currently in optimization

Additionally, I am also optimizing the following YouTube channels:

- [YouTube Channel Gaksst](https://www.youtube.com/@gaksst)

My YouTube channel containing my music:

- [Music Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClS9S_QyGcCogCkvuYDGrfQ)

My TikTok account:

- [TikTok Eddy Siant](https://www.tiktok.com/@eddysiant)

With the skills and portfolio I possess, I am confident that I can make a significant contribution to your project. Lets work together to achieve maximum results and success!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Social Media Marketing (SMM) CorelDRAW Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Audio Editing Video Editing PHP CSS Adobe Dreamweaver

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User Name: xploriamedia
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 08/10/2020 13:09:33 WIB
Last Seen: 17/12/2024 22:07:35 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kota Malang
Website: https://w-all.id/
Online Hours: 103.63
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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Jasa Transfer Aplikasi Google Play Console Profesional dan Aman Cepat, Efisien, dan Mematuhi Kebijakan Google Play!

Rp 500,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Apakah Anda ingin memindahkan aplikasi dari satu akun Google Play Console ke akun lain tanpa ribet? Saya menyediakan layanan transfer aplikasi Google Play Console yang aman, cepat , dan mematuhi kebijakan resmi Google . Layanan yang Saya Tawarkan: Proses transfer aplikasi dari akun lama ke akun baru. Bantuan dalam melengkapi dokumen yang diperlukan, seperti: Detail akun developer lama dan baru. Sertifikat keuangan (jika diminta oleh Google). Izin atau surat pernyataan dari pemilik aplikasi...

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2017: Until now, managing and optimizing jawaracorpo.com
DA 25, PA 42

2018: Until now, as founder, I still manages and optimizes w-all.id




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