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Hallo perkenalkan nama saya Julianti saya menerima jasa freelance seperti :
  • Analis
  • Data Engineer
  • Data Entry
  • Content Creator
  • Editing Foto
Dipersilahkan untuk mengecek link dibawah ini untuk bahan pertimbangan
portofolio dan referensi analis/data:
  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/julianti-julianti-2a3945151/
  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uaH9R7pgtzb9tJvRi_no2ompmc-Mzavg/view?usp=sharing

untuk Content Creator dan Editing foto bisa di cek di instagram & youtube 
instragram : @kibowwfthn

Besar Harapan Saya bisa berkolaborasi pada rekan- rekan semua , Terimakasih

Data Entry Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Premiere PostgreSQL Google Cloud Platform SQL Server Data Analysis Copywriter

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User Name: JULIANTI09
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 18/07/2023 00:11:30 WIB
Last Seen: 01/12/2023 21:07:14 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kota Bekasi
Online Hours: 16.81
Projects Won: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2023: Currently I work as a Data Engineer, where my job is to watch,
maintain and process a large amount of data, before
I must first understand what the data flow is like, analyze it one by one
and pay attention to which data is sensitive which is not so that when providing data,
the data is not misused by irresponsible parties. There are several languages
programming that I learned in processing a data starting from SQL and Non-SQL Using
several applications, namely Couchbase, Postgresql, Sql Server, and Google Big Query.

In my opinion, playing with this data is difficult, difficult, easy, yes, it's called playing with a slightly dizzy code, there must be
, but everything will be easy if you keep on trying and trying and believe you can do it....a brief introduction to myself




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