• (022) 6902 1117

michellejade (michellejade)



I'm Michelle Jade Maximillian and has been working as graphic designer for 1 year since i was in University. I'm majoring in Interaction Design with GPA 3.81. My last working experience is in PT Indowijaya Sakti Teguh (Puffin Paint) as graphic designer.

I have various work scope as i'm learning in Puffin Paint. I have made weekly content plan for Instagram according to the social media trend and making the visual for feed and insta-story within the total number; 119 Instagram content-decks and 90 feeds. I'm also excellent in communication and ensuring every design is according to company's want and need.�

I'm eager to join the web comic or game industry as colorist/line artist/2D artist, i'm passionate to work and grow in those industry since i have deep interest to develop my own story in web comic-format in the future. I hope i can give any kind of contribution to those industry in any way.

Graphic Design Illustration Video Editing Web Design Copywriter UI Design UX Design

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User Name: michellejade
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 24/07/2023 13:47:47 WIB
Last Seen: 24/07/2023 14:34:12 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Barat
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjadem/
Online Hours: 0.77
Projects Won: 0
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Pembuatan Ilustrasi Karakter Lucu Watercolour Digital

Rp 85,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Sebentar lagi teman, sahabat, pacar, orang-tua, maupun keluarga kesayangan anda akan berulang-tahun? Bingung mau kasih hadiah apa? Daripada benda, akan lebih spesial jika anda memberikan ilustrasi custom untuk mereka. Ilustrasi ini selain sebagai hadiah juga bisa digunakan untuk keperluan pribadi, seperti acara pernikahan, acara wisuda, maupun yang lainnya. Dengan gaya karakter lucu dan watercolour, dijamin akan memberikan kesan yang baik dan happy! Apa yang anda akan dapatkan? Softfile PNG dan JPG berukuran 2000 x 2000 piksel dengan kualitas 300 DPI (Sangat aman untuk di print karena tidak akan pecah) Background putih (jpg), polos (bebas pilih 1 warna (jpg)), dan transparan (png) Revisi maksimal 2 kali (1x saat sketsa, 2x saat pewarnaan 30%) Semua file akan dikirim juga ke e-mail client PERHATIAN! Tidak menerima karakter yang berhubungan dengan robot/gore...

Total Rows: 1 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 1




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