Karir Sekarang
- Saya bekerja di divisi ICT yayasan pendidikan swasta.
- Freelancer Aktif di PT. Panonpoe Media (Projects.co.id) pengembangan Aplikasi Enterprise untuk Startup (Startup Sektor Private)
- Developer IT multiplatform OS (Android, Windows)
- Aktif dalam Komunitas Startup mengembangkan Enterprise Software, Smart City, E-Commerce
Kemampuan yang saya fokuskan saat ini di Projects.co.id :
A. | WEBSITE : |
| Website Company Profile |
| Website Personal |
| Website Online Store |
| Website Pemerintahan |
| Website Pendidikan |
| Webbased Development |
| Database Developement |
| Server Development |
| Mobile Development |
| Video Company Profile |
| Desain Grafis |
| Photografy |
| Videografy |
| Animasi Desain 2D & 3D |
| Logo |
D. | Support & Update |
| Maintenance Website |
| Maintenance Server |
| Staf Support IT |
| Networking |
| Digital Marketing |
Adobe PhotoShop PHP CodeIgniter Networking HTML CSS Laravel Framework
Hire Me
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Existing Projects User Name:
| muhsen |
Account Type:
| Personal Account |
Date Registered:
| 06/04/2016 17:27:31 WIB |
Last Seen:
| 11/10/2024 19:34:48 WIB |
| Sumatera Utara |
| Kab. Asahan |
| http://sssianturiassociates.com |
Online Hours:
| 539.14 |
Projects Won:
| 14 |
Projects Completed:
| 11 |
Completion Rate | 78.57% Good |
Projects Arbitrated:
| 3 |
Arbitration Rate | 21.43% Good |
Current Projects:
| 0 |
As Worker 9.25/10.00
546 Point
#1,086 dari 1,233,603
11 Projects
As Owner 0.00/10.00
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Seller 6.00/10.00
44 Point
#340 dari 1,233,603
1 Sales
As Affiliate 10.00/10.00
23 Point
#41 dari 1,233,603
230 Users
Rp 800,000 0.00/10.00 0
jenis web framework keterangan usaha, pemerintahan, pendidikan cms wordpress, joomla, drupal, magento usaha, pemerintahan, pribadi, pendidikan php, css, mysqli, javascript bootstrap, php native, codeigniter
Total Rows: 13 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 1
2010: Pembuatan Web Sekolah SMP Negeri 3 Lubuk Pakam
2017: Pembuatan Website Properti Real Estate Pluit Jakarta Utara :
jualbelisewagreenbay.com dengan OSClass
2017: Pembuatan Website Sistem Informasi Sekolah Yayasan Perguruan Pelita Aek Kanopan Kab. Labuhanbatu Utara berbasis CMS Joomla 3.0
2017: Pembuatan website distro dengan php native dan bootstrap, terdiri dari halaman dashboard admin juga user.
2017: Moodle Implementator
Total Rows: 14 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 2
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