• (022) 6902 1117

ilanrfdla (ilanrfdla)




I'm an architect with full of passion for design on architecture, interior, landscape and also illustration, so get in touch and deal with nice offer!

enthusiasm on design made me as an architect full of passion with many kind of field on architectural, with some of experiences since college as internship and also full time as junior architect. I always learn as much as i could to how developing to get a good design from issues in society, from residential to public space.  so with full of passion, i would like to put from public needs into space and form with problem solving into a good design.

Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator 3D Animation 3D Architecture AutoCAD 3ds Max Adobe Premiere 3D Rendering SketchUp Video Animation

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User Name: ilanrfdla
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 07/05/2021 17:44:38 WIB
Last Seen: 07/05/2021 19:42:36 WIB
Provinsi: Sulawesi Selatan
Kabupaten: Kab. Gowa
Website: https://issuu.com/nurfadilaz/docs/nurfadila_s_portfolio
Online Hours: 1.95
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2021: Portofolio saya berisi tentang hasil projek design arsitektur dan interior, hasil kerja full time, freelance dan proyek kuliah




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