• (022) 6902 1117

Rvdamaulidina (Rvdamaulidina)



Hi! My name is Rara, currently working as a graphic designer also had an experience in handling end-to-end social media content and production. I'd like to appreciate it if you let me help you and consider me as your freelancer. Thanks!

Advertising Architecture Graphic Design Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator 3D Architecture Video Editing Canva

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User Name: Rvdamaulidina
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 11/07/2022 22:12:11 WIB
Last Seen: 03/03/2024 22:56:44 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Barat
Website: https://www.instagram.com/____byroses/
Online Hours: 6.81
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2021: Interior Design

2021: Exterior Design

2021: Interior Design

2022: Social Media Content

2022: Social Media Content

2022: Logo Design

2022: Coffee Cup Packaging Design and Mockup

2022: Book Design & Mockup

2022: Merchandise Design and Mockup

2022: Video Editing

2022: Vinyl Mockup

2022: Motion Design

2022: Social Media Content

2023: Social media content

2023: Wedding Invitation

2023: Business Card




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