• (022) 6902 1117



Stage 1: Move from excel to the web application. Technology : Responsive webdesign, back-end prefer use python, possible to use other cloud technology

in the bid Please state in detail what technology will be used, time when the work done, other important and relevant information. List of must-have functions (general functions of warehousing process): --> Purchase Order --> Goods Receiving --> Stock return --> Stock transfer --> Stock adjustment --> Cycle count --> And others.:

1) Keep and update information about product stock in the warehouse

2) The new order data is imputed by the salesperson, each sales person must have a personal account in the application system for tracking activity

3)The application dashboard must show the status of a new order

4) Must create 2-3 accounts for warehouse admins based on warehouse location, for example warehouse 1 , warehouse 2 , etc.

4.1) Warehouse admin selects a new order and clicks "pick and pack", the order status changes to "Packing". New orders must also be distributed automatically among warehouse staff accounts based on destination provinces.

4.2) In the packing stage, new orders must be distributed to delivery company based on the destination province, Order status must be changed - wait delivery

4.3) After that the warehouse admin downloads the order data per delivery company in excel / csv format, because each delivery company uses a different excel / csv format, the download file format must be adjusted to the required format.

4.4 ) Admin uploads each order data file to the delivery company dashboard.

4.5) Admin finished printing labels from the delivery company dashboard, continue packing and wait for the courier to pick up the orders.

5) When the courier arrives the pick up order Admin prints the order list from application where all packages are flat for pick up, the order status in the application must be changed - Order send

6) After getting the final order status from the delivery company, for example "delivered" or "returned", the status could be downloaded from the delivery company dashboard and uploaded to the warehouse application.

7) The application must show the following statistics: Number of orders sent per day, month, per sales person, order status, sales amount , cost of good sold etc etc.

8) In the future other delivery company could be added to the Application Must have 4 types of accounts 1) Sales) Warehouse admin 3) Manager 4) Admin Attached excel file with approximate data that has to be processed. Please bid, thank you.

Python JavaScript Flask Python

Published Budget: Rp 10,000,000 - 30,000,000
Finish Days: 30
Published Date: 18/08/2021 21:36:25 WIB
Start Date: 30/08/2021 09:10:03 WIB
Finish Date: 20/11/2021 17:36:35 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Jim Stefanson Torang (jimstefanson)
Accepted Budget: Rp 10,000,000
Project Ending: Completed

Project Owner

834 Point
#780 dari 1,234,060
Rated Worker: 10.00/10.00

project selesai , terimakasih

Accepted Worker

Kota Banjarmasin
1,000 Point
#608 dari 1,234,060
Rated Owner: 10.00/10.00

Terima kasih project owner atas kepercayaannya dan selalu ramah, pengertian, dan kooperatif. Semoga sukses selalu.

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