• (022) 6902 1117

[Long Term] Female Writer for Lifestyle Media [Bahasa Indonesia]


Hello Writers,

1.We work on Indonesian media and looking for Indonesian women-writers.
2.We are planning to create many articles but this job is for trial
3.The communication and the guides are provided in English.
4.The website is about lifestyle(Beauty/Makeup/Life...).[Theme of writing]

We provide keywords for each article to write
e.g. The Best 10 Things To Do In XXX, 10 Facts to Know about XXX

[Sample articles]
https://goo.gl/wAioPf(10 items)
https://goo.gl/jLkbbW(10 items)

*Finding pictures is included in this work

2 articles for 50,000 RP

[Writing volume]
More than 550 words per article

- We prepare guide page covering how to write

- Fluent/native in Bahasa Indonesia
- Able to communicate in English
- Experienced Wordpress and web writing

Please send us the answer to these questions when you apply.

1.Please send us your previous articles in Bahasa Indonesia.
(Online article related to lifestyle will be better.)
2.Have you used Wordpress before? Have you found copyright-free pictures?
3.How many articles can you write per week and month?

Thank you for reading!

Internet Marketing Affiliate Marketing Social Media Marketing (SMM) Marketing Strategy Writing Wordpress

Published Budget: Rp 50,000
Finish Days: 5
Published Date: 02/02/2017 16:52:59 WIB
Start Date: 08/02/2017 19:00:43 WIB
Finish Date: 12/02/2017 02:14:21 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: pricelessfrancie (pricelessfrancie)
Accepted Budget: Rp 50,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation

Project Owner

Kabupaten/Kota Lainnya
9,838 Point
#27 dari 1,185,296

Accepted Worker

Kota Medan
60 Point
#4,846 dari 1,185,296

Penyelesaian Arbitrase

Kedua belah pihak mencapai kesepakatan bersama penyelesaian arbitrase di mana Worker menerima Rp 25,000 (50%) dan Owner menerima Rp 25,000 (50%). Dengan ini arbitrase dinyatakan selesai.

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