• (022) 6902 1117

jhanputra (jhanputra)



my name is Jeihan

I am a Graphic Designer & Illustrator, born and raised in Bandung. I have more than ten years of experience in various fields of graphic design. Understand psychology and marketing, very proficient with programs in Adobe Creative Suite, such as Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effect and Procreate. Experienced in creating illustrations, video editing and motion graphics

My portofolio

Advertising Design Arts Brochure Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Blender Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere

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User Name: jhanputra
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 10/07/2018 12:31:11 WIB
Last Seen: 19/12/2024 08:36:46 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bandung
Website: https://jeihanputra.myportfolio.com/work
Online Hours: 26.61
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2018: I am the first twenty-seven-year-old boy of two siblings and in good health condition,
I graduated from Bandung stsI in 2012 in the field of Visual Communication Design,
And continued at STIE DWIPAWACANA as an economics graduate,
My grades are good enough and skilled in the specific task of design,
I can use adobe photoshop software, adobe illustrator, adobe after efect, also skilled in drawing.




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