• (022) 6902 1117

buyaalfariz (buyaalfariz)



I am a designer who has a minimalist and professional type of design. I am experienced in designing social media posts, brochures, posters, and video editing. I have expertise in using editing software such as adobe illustrator, figma, canva, adobe premiere pro, and adobe after effect.

Advertising Graphic Design Illustration Adobe Illustrator Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Instagram Canva Behance Grafis Vektor

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User Name: buyaalfariz
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 08/02/2024 00:33:03 WIB
Last Seen: 08/02/2024 21:59:00 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Tengah
Kabupaten: Kab. Batang
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/buya-al-fariz-1b31581a4/
Online Hours: 0.81
Projects Won: 0
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2024: In this project, i was tasked with branding an instagram account for a national competition. This account focuses on innovative foods that are 100% made from green plants as a solution to a certain disease. In this project i introduced what green plants look like and what benefits are obtained when consuming these plants.

2024: In this project, I was assigned as the designer of a team for a national competition. I was responsible for all the multimedia needs for the product, including the product introduction. In the product introduction section, I decided to show a video that contains the introduction of the product, the benefits of the product, how to serve, and the final appearance of the product. I made the video using adobe premiere pro software and I have published it through the Instagram account that I have listed in the previous section.

2024: I made an independent project in the form of designing a user interface for a mobile application. in this case study, I formulated a problem and provided alternative solutions in the form of an application interface. I designed this entire project using figma software. to see my project more clearly, you can visit the behance account at the link I have listed.




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