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Awang Diaz (DiazSyahfara)



Halo, nama saya Awang Diaz Syahfara. 

Seorang mahasiswa program studi entrepreneur yang berfokus dalam bidang design grafis dan branding. Serta sudah menekuni bidang ini sejak 5 tahun lalu. Serta aktif mengikuti beberapa project, kolaborasi, dan juga kontributor dalam beberapa acara maupun start-up. Selain itu saya juga menekuni bidang penulisan atau content writing. 

Berikut adalah beberapa project yang saya kerjakan:

  • Identitas Visual/Branding
  • Kemasan/Packaging
  • Pemasaran & Periklanan (flyer, poster, spanduk, papan reklame, brosur (cetak dan digital), presentasi power point, iklan media sosial, spanduk)
  • Publikasi (majalah, catalog)
  • Content Writing 
  • Content Design
  • Social Media Management
Saya membuka lebar peluang berdiskusi untuk mencapai tujuan dan memenuhi requirement yang ingin dicapai klien secara profesional namun tetap dengan waktu yang flexibel. Terima kasih. 

English Advertising Graphic Design Adobe PhotoShop Microsoft PowerPoint Video Editing Adobe Premiere Copywriter Instagram Content Writer

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User Name: DiazSyahfara
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 20/07/2015 14:45:19 WIB
Last Seen: 13/11/2021 21:01:28 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kota Malang
Online Hours: 15.46
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
Completion Rate-
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate-
Current Projects: 0

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2017: Kiprah Seni Smarihasta 30

In this project, I became part of the publication and decoration committee. I'm in charge to design the venue's decoration, digital or physic posters even a billboard that is displayed on the main road in Malang.

2020: Brand Guidelines and Visual Identity for PYLLS

I did the visual identity design for a small brand, called PYLLS. Start with logo, color palette, font, do's and don'ts, and other necessary brand things.

2020: Garis Temu Content Warrior (Content Writing)

Volunteer in Garis Temu's collaborative project. In this project, my article content has 4 times uploaded on their Instagram, and success getting a good number in terms of engagements (likes, shares, and comments).

2021: Content Design for Magwalls Media

Assigned to designing Instagram posts, stories, and templates for daily and weekly content for a media start-up, Magwalls. Also, planning creative and interesting content on important days in Indonesia to stay relevant with the audience.




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