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Lulusan Teknik Informatika yang berfokus pada olah data (data mining/data science). Pernah membuat beberapa aplikasi machine learning, dokumentasi bisa dilihat di youtube. Beberapa kali juga menangani pembuatan game berbasis html5 dengan construct 2.

Berpengalaman dalam pengembangan website berbasis Wordpress (contohnya: Ruang-Riset.id dan https://publisherda.com/.

Memiliki passion dalam dunia tulis-menulis, terutama penulisan ilmiah, dia termasuk dalam  tim editorial satu jurnal internasional (SInta) dan satu Jurnal Nasional.

Dari pekerjaan sebelumnya, dia berpengalaman dalam trainer Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Power point, dll) 

Dapat membantu pekerjaan anda dalam bidang olah data, pembelajaran mesin, entri data, training, dan berbagai kepenulisan.



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Until now, I have had more work experience of 10 years
in the IT field, with various job dispositions as
a system analyst, data analyst, programmer, software engineer,and IT manager.

My work experience was when I served as an IT manager.
Of course, it involves complex work. From the installation processPC server,
fingerprint machine, and designing CCTV data communication lines
via yagi antenna and coaxial cable, operating system installation,
and installing various application software, as well as running
software development.



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Saya Adalah developer di bidang IOT (internet of things) / Embedded Systems, Machine Learning (ML), Data Science, Data Analytics dan Data Engineer.

Project yang telah saya kerjakan adalah:

1. Robot Pemadam Api dengan penggerak kaki

2. Robot Pemadam Api dengan penggerak roda

3. Robot Sepak Bola menggunakan Roda

4. Robot Sumo

5. Robot Evakuasi Bencana

6. Monitoring Kesehatan Detak Jantung dan Oksigen

7. Monitoring Pemanas Susu

8. Monitoring Kesehatan Pendaki

Portofolio yang bisa anda akses: behance.net� atau linkedin.com



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perkenalkan saya lulusan SMK tekhnik RPL .. tugas pertama saya menyelasikan aplikasi berbasis dekstop dengan vb 6.0 yaitu aplikasi absensi guru di sekolah saya.. saya suka menulis artikel tentang olahraga .. saya teratarik dengan komputer sejak smp .. terutama pada bidang pemrograma

skil yang saya mililki :


-MYSQL,ACCESS database


-python sebagai data science

-excel advanaced, gogle spreadhsheet

-editing dengan GIMP

selebiihnya saya senang mempelajari ilmu ilmu baru khusus nya tentang dunia komputer.



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My recent experience as a Machine Learning (ML) Engineer with 2+ years. Familiar with ML methodologies, namely data preprocessing, training phase, and testing phase. In data preprocessing, it can be ascertained that data cleaning, data transform and feature selection have been carried out so that they can be implemented in model building at the training phase. After obtaining the most suitable model, a final model is made, then the final model is applied in the model evaluation at the testing phase, the results of which can be measured by metrics. My thesis is about the Development of Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System.

My experience as a Software Engineer/Developer for 3 years has made me familiar with software development both front end with HTML, CSS and Javascript and back end with PHP framework and MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL databases. When I was a System Analyst for 10 years, I also made the scope of API and database development and directed vendors in designing according to application needs, including using the API Management System and changing the repository from SVN to Git and implementing CI/CD using Jenkins. In both roles I also bridge the needs of internal users and ensure the successful implementation of the application by the vendor. When creating ToR for IT projects, also conduct research on the development of IT technology that will enhance system capabilities according to EA with an understanding of the architecture of Business Processes, Data, Applications and Infrastructure.


Jan 2006 - Current

Machine Learning Engineer and Back End Developer at Projects.co.id, Fastwork Technologies Indonesia (Freelance)

As a Machine Learning Engineer or Data Scientist:

  • Discuss topics, manual calculations, references, stages, goals, and datasets with end users
  • Implement data preprocessing, model building, model evaluation, data visualization and result output based on the results of the discussion


  • Convert Model Tf Lite Into Smaller Size

            Image classification uses Resnet 50 and reduces the saved model size to 40 MB

  • Named-entity Recognition NLP Crime News

            Named-entities only on location and time (date) using spaCy

  • Sentiment Analysis and Clustering for Essay Opinions and Comments (Literary Works)

            Sentiment analysis uses SVM, previously labeled data using lexicon, and clustering using             K-means

  • Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data

            Sentiment analysis of twitter data uses Naive Bayes by calculating the probability of words in             one sentence to produce positive or negative conclusions

  • Data Analysis using Google Collab

            Analyzing data to know probability and implement manual calculation

As a Back End Developer:

  • Discuss user requirements with end users
  • Seeing the level of complexity of the existing system according to user requirements
  • Implement solutions to models, views, and controllers according to business processes on problematic web application features (modules)


  • Adding Function in Laravel 8 Framework

            Implementation of Expert System Algorithm in to function

  • Integration and Implementation API SiCepat and J&T

            Implement delivery process at ecommerce platform

  • API modification

            Add an external object to existing API

As a System Engineer:

  • Configuring the Linux web server so it is ready to be used for web application
  • Configuring HAproxy for Linux web server 
  • Configuring Maria DB, MySQL, Oracle DB, and PostgreSQL databases on Linux servers
  • Migration of web applications and databases to Linux servers
  • Perform tuning or optimizing of Linux server capabilities for web servers
  • Maintenance, patching, update Linux web server, reverse proxy/HA server, and web application


  • Configure load balancer HAProxy in RHEL or Centos 7
  • Monitoring nodes that have been configured with HaProxy
  • Configure nginx server as reverse proxy + SSL
  • Configure apache server as nginx reverse proxy destination node
  • Configure PHP-FastCGI Process Manager (fpm) to maximize the use of server resources so that the application runs optimally

Feb 2021 - Nov 2021

Development of Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System Methods at the Feature Selection, Class Balancing, and Ensemble Learning Stages [Master Thesis]


Abstract: The risk of cyberattacks is directly proportional to the growth of applications and computer networks. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is implemented to detect cyber attacks in network traffic. However, there are problems detecting unknown attacks or new types of attacks. In addition, there are performance issues regarding detection time, detection accuracy, and false alarms. A machine learning approach takes anomaly detection in network traffic to reduce these problems. The development and utilization of IDS with machine learning have been applied in several studies to improve performance and evaluate attack detection predictions. Choosing the right machine learning approach is necessary to improve the accuracy of cyberattack detection. This research uses a homogeneous ensemble learning method that optimizes tree algorithms, especially gradient boosting tree - LightGBM. The Communications Security Establishment and Canadian Institute of Cybersecurity 2018 (CSE-CIC-IDS 2018) dataset evaluated the proposed approach. The Polynom-fit SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) method solved the dataset imbalance problem. The application of spearman's rank correlation coefficient method to the dataset resulted in 24 subset features of the 80 dataset features used to evaluate the model. The proposed model achieves 99% accuracy; precision 99.2%, recall 97.1%; F1-score 98.1%; ROC-AUC 99.1%; and an average-PR of 98.1% and increased the training time of the model from 3 minutes 25.10 seconds to 2 minutes 39.68 seconds.

Keywords : Intrusion Detection System, oversampling, feature selection, homogeneous ensemble learning, CSE-CIC-IDS 2018

Feb 2021 - Jul 2021

Anomaly Intrusion Detection System Based On Homogeneous Ensemble Learning with Oversampling and Feature Selection [Conference Paper]


Abstract: The risk of cyberattacks is directly proportional to the growth of applications and computer networks. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) detects anomalies in network traffic to reduce this risk. A machine learning approach is needed related to this. The development and utilization of IDS with machine learning have been applied in several studies. Choosing the right machine learning approach is needed to improve cyberattack detection. In this study, we used a homogeneous ensemble learning method that optimizes the tree algorithm. The Communications Security Establishment and Canadian Institute of Cybersecurity 2018 (CSE-CIC-IDS 2018) dataset were used to evaluate the proposed approach. The Polynom-fit SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) method was used to resolve the imbalanced dataset problem. 23 feature subset results from the application of feature selection on the dataset were used to evaluate the model. The proposed model achieved 99% accuracy; 99,2% precision, 97,1% recall; and 98,1% F1-score.

Keywords: intrusion detection system, oversampling, feature selection, homogeneous ensemble learning, CSE-CIC-IDS 2018

Jul 2012 - Dec 2013

Frontend Developer at Wowrack Indonesia

Implement backend API to Wowrack customer portal

  • Discuss methods of API module with System Analyst and Back End Developer
  • Implementing business processes based on methods from the API module on each web application feature with a web design framework (Bootstrap)
  • Ensure every feature of the web app runs properly


  • Customer Portal Wowrack [customer.wowrack.com, customer.wowrack.co.id]

Mar 2011 - Mar 2012

System Analyst at PT Codecon

Analyzing desktop-based information systems with Oracle database for migration to web-based information systems

  • Discuss user requirements with business owner
  • Create ERD and tables according to the business process discussion results
  • Describing business processes into modules
  • Discuss and deliver business processes per module with Back End Developer


  • Staffing Information System the local goverment Klaten

Jan 2009 - Dec 2009

Frontend Developer at KYS Techno Solution

Flash developer & front end developer with PHP

  • Discuss user requirements with Back End Developer
  • Prepare web pages according to business processes so that they can be processed by Back End Developers
  • Make sure the web page comply with UI/UX rules
  • Project

  • Website Dinas Kesehatan Kepulauan Riau

Jan 2008 - Dec 2008

Back End Developer at JogjaCamp

Develop information system, company profile web based with PHP framework

  • Discuss user requirements with Business Analyst
  • Create ERD and tables according to the business process discussion results Implementing business processes on every feature of the web application on the web design as a result of the web designer
  • Ensure every feature of the web app runs properly


  • Website Denafa Catering
  • Website FIB UGM
  • Website Ikatan Alumni ITB


  • Intermediate - Computer Networking
  • Novice - Security Engineering
  • Advanced - Research
  • Advanced - Scientific Research
  • Advanced - Research and Development
  • Intermediate - Artificial Intelligence
  • Intermediate - Machine Learning, Deep Learning
  • Novice - Artificial Neural Network
  • Advanced - Python3 including NumPy, Sklearn, Matplotlib, and SciPy - Scientific Computing and Data Science
  • Intermediate - PyTorch
  • Intermediate - Pandas
  • Intermediate - Data Science (Data Analysis, Data Visualization)
  • Intermediate - Data Analytics
  • Intermediate - Python Programming Language
  • Intermediate - Engineering Sciences Problem Solving
  • Intermediate - Information Technology
  • Intermediate - Cyber Security
  • Intermediate - Application Security
  • Intermediate - Information Security
  • Basic - DevOps
  • Intermediate - Network Security
  • Basic - Network Administration
  • Advanced - Instrusion Detection
  • Intermediate - Vulnerability Assessment
  • Novice - Penetration Testing
  • Intermediate - Incident Response
  • Intermediate - MikroTik Certified Network Associate
  • Intermediate - Analytical Skills
  • Advanced - Teamwork
  • Intermediate - VMware Workstation 11
  • Advanced - Linux Server
  • Intermediate - Linux Server Administration
  • Advanced - Software Development Life Cycle
  • Advanced - System Analysis, Design and Implementation
  • Novice - Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
  • Advanced - Object Oriented Programming
  • Basic - .NET Framework
  • Novice - Java
  • Novice - Go Programming Language
  • Advanced - RESTFul APIs/Web Services
  • Intermediate - Functional/System Integration Testing
  • Advanced - PHP
  • Intermediate - Back End Development
  • Intermediate - Laravel PHP Framework
  • Intermediate - CodeIgniter 4
  • Intermediate - Database Query
  • Intermediate - Oracle SQL
  • Advanced - MySQL Database
  • Intermediate - PostgreSQL



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Saya mahasiswa tingkat akhir, saya memiliki minat di bidang web development dan data science. Pengalaman saya menjadi tutor dan assisten selama 1 tahun di Laboratorium Teknik Informatika. Saya harap dapat mengerjakan banyak project sesuai dengan keahlian saya di bidang yang telah saya sebutkan diatas dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan skill menjadi lebih baik.



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Saya merupakan Sarjana  Matematika dari salah satu PTN di Jawa Tengah. Keahlian utama saya adalah data analisis dengan menggunakan Ms. Excel, Pyhton, dan R. Saya memiliki sertifikasi Data Science Practitioner (Januari 2021)  dan TOEFL PBT 560 (Juni 2021). Service yang saya lakukan antara lain:

  1. Data analisis untuk keperluan tugas kuliah, skripsi, tesis, dll menggunakan software R atau Python.
  2. Data Entry 
  3. Update data menggunakan google spreadsheet dan Ms. Excel
  4. Mengetik atau update transskrip Ms. Word dan Google docs
  5. Membuat presentasi dengan menggunakan Ms. Power point
  6. Mass Upload ke e-commerce atau website
  7. Update blogspot dan wordpress



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Computer Science graduate from Pertamina University in South Jakarta, with a primary focus on data analysis for various applications and a special interest in AI/machine learning. Experienced in meticulously conducting data analysis and ensuring data quality. Always enthusiastic to work with precision and deliver the best insights. Committed to devising innovative strategies in data analysis to meet user satisfaction and support business growth



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Selamat datang di profil saya. Berikut merupakan beberapa keahlian yang saya miliki.

  • Copy typing (Microsoft Office to PDF atau sebaliknya)
  • Data entry
  • Statistical analysis (deskriptif, korelasi, regresi, dll.)
  • Data mining (Clustering, Classification, dll.)
  • Bahasa pemrograman Python dan R
  • Basic SQL query
  • SPSS
  • Desain grafis (Adobe Photoshop)



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Saya seorang engineer yang memiliki hobbydan pengalaman sebagai SEO content writer serta project management.



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Saya menyukai desain, coding, data mining dan data science.

suka game dan suka tantangan juga.

suka nulis blog sebagai sarana untuk mengurangi stress



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My Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/rianputrapratama/



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Hello, I'm Fahmi. Have an interest in working in an adaptable environment. Skilled in Analytical Thinking, Data Scientist and Python. Has experience focusing on Natural Language Processing and Data Mining. I'm currently a full time Data Scientist at NoLimit Indonesia And I work as a Freelance and Instructor.

SKILLS : Python, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Google Data Studio, Scraping - Selenium, Github, Figma, Leadership, Team Work, Problem Solving, Creativity, Public Speaking.


  1. Facilitator Data Science - Freelance Binar Academy 09/2022 - Present Become a facilitator or mentor in the program: Bootcamp FGA Digitalent Kominfo Bootcamp PJB B2B 
  2. Data Scientist - Fulltime NoLimit Indonesia 04/2022 - Present NoLimit is a technology company focusing on developing online media (especially social media) monitoring and analytic tools to be utilized by clients for a better customer relationship and understanding. Skills: Natural Language Processing (NLP), Python, Machine Learning Freelance & Data Science 
  3. Tutor Freelance 02/2021 - Present Tutoring about: Data Science, Data Analyst, Machine Learning, Artifcial Intelligence, Python, Web Basic etc. Super teacher predicate in superprof, top 5 for search for data science and python. Managed to get approximately 250 clients in teaching courses online. Corporate Training Bootcamp IYKRA x TMT Corporate Training Bootcamp IYKRA x Danamon Corporate Training Trainocate 
  4. Data Science Mentor - Part-time Startup Campus X Kampus Merdeka 08/2022 - 02/2023 Become a Data Science mentor at Kampus Merdeka \
  5. Instructor - Data, Business Analytics and Operations Ruangguru.com · Part-time 02/2022 - 06/2022 Become an instructor at the Studi Independen Ruangguru x Kampus Mederka, Ruangguru CAMP (Career Acceleration Bootcamp) 
  6. Lead Data Scientist - Intern Kebun Pintar 07/2021 - 03/2022
  7. Data Scientist PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. · Freelance 11/2021 - 12/2021 I am a data scientist working on the Talent Score Card project at Setneg in collaboration with myself. Create a recommendation system using the similarities between data and natural language processing.



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Hi! I'm Gita, and I have a strong educational background in Statistics and a passion for leveraging data-driven insights to solve complex problems. With extensive experience in data analysis, market research, quantitative research, project management, statistical modeling, forecasting, and proficiency in SPSS, VBA Macro, and R Studio. I thrive in roles that require a blend of analytical and strategic thinking.

Moreover, I excel in project management, coordinating cross-functional teams, and ensuring timely execution while meeting budgetary requirements. Overall, my educational background, combined with my skills, position me as a valuable asset in driving data-informed strategies and contributing to the success of your project.



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Hello, I'm Fransiscus Emmanuel Bunaren. I'm currently a Computer Science student at the University of Indonesia. My favorite programming language is Python, but I am also able to code in other languages, such as Java, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP, etc. I am interested in Data Science, Cyber Security, and Software Engineering. If you have any projects that are related to those fields, please feel free to contact me.

You can also check my open-source projects at my GitHub page: https://github.com/fbunaren



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I am a mathematics graduate from Airlangga University and I am currently a undergoing Software Engineer Program as a Trainee from Alterra Academy. My own assessment regarding my abilities is that I am a confident person, I am fluent in English both written and spoken, also I have a strong sense of logic and critical thinking due to my major. I am confident with my I can learn anything that is needed, from programming, analysis to management. Currently learning Data Science to expand my horizons.



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- data collection 
- data processing and data manipulation
- data management
- data wrangling and data Profiling
- exploratory data analysis
- data analysis and data visualization
- data cleansing and data QaQc 
- SQL Programing and Big Query
- statistical and data science.

- Design, Create and Build Database Management System (DBMS)
- Create a Simple Application module for DBMS.
- DBMS for MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and etc.
- Create simple application data entry for user clients in DBMS.
- Simple data entry Multiuser application with MS Access Database integrated.
- Database optimization.
-  Data entry application Design, Creating and building in local and DBMS integrated (MS Access, Visual studio VBasic )

- Web Design (HTML/HTML5, CSS, Javascript, bootstrap framework and)
- Web development ( Codeigniter, Laravel, DBMS MySQL/MariaDB).
- CMS framework Wordpress

Network Configuration.
- Mikrotik Router Design and Configuration. Routing, Gateway, NAT, Proxy, DHCP, Bandwith, Bridging, switch protocol, Vlan, Hotspot, Firewall, Mangle, Queues, Balancing, secure,
- Network infrastructure.
- Network administrator and Monitoring.
- Route and Routing, WAN, LAN, WLAN, Radio, FTP, VPN and etc

- Design, Create and Build GIS and Database systems.
- Build module Simple application processing GIS database.
- Create and Production the Thematic Map project.
- GIS and geospatial analyst.
- Web GIS.


# Skills.
* Office Software: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Visio).
* Data: Python Programing, Google Data Studio, PowerBI, Tableau, SQL Programing, Microsoft Access Programming, MSSQL Server, MySQL Server.
*  GIS: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Desktop, QGIS, Map source, GPS, QGIS. Web GIS.
* Web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Docker, PHP, MVC Web Framework and CMS, Bootstrap, CodeIgniter Framework, Laravel Framework, Django, nodeJS, WordPress CMS, and other’s Framework.
* Cloud Computing and Networking: AWS, Google Cloud, LAN, WLAN, Bridge, Switch, Routing, WAN, Mikrotik System.



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            Hallo, salam kenal ya. 

Saya Mustofa Hilmi, biasa dipanggil Hilmi. Saya suka menulis, berbisnis dan berorganisasi. Punya ketertarikan khusus di dunia data stattistik, peternakan dan kesehatan. 

Selama menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana ilmu nutrisi, saya perna melakukan join riset di universitas ibarakit terkait data science berbasis ilmu nutrisi peternakan selama 6 bulan. Kemudia saya bekerja sebagai analis kimia dan data science center dibusan.

Saya sangat antusias untuk melakukan banyak pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan passion tersebut. Senang jika bisa berkolaborasi. 




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Saya adalah seorang data analis. Saya sangat menyukai data dan semua yang berkaitan dengan data. Dalam keseharian saya, saya terbiasa menggunakan bahasa pemrograman R dan Python. Bukan hanya untuk analisa data, saya juga menggunakannya untuk berbagai hal lain, seperti develop ETL script, web scraping, develop native dashboard, dll.

Kamu perlu bantuan untuk menyelsaikan projek, will gladly help you out.



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Saya Seorang Developer beberapa teknologi antara lain Web Developer, IOT Developer, Mobile Apps Developer dan Arduino Developer



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Perkenalkan, nama saya Muhamad Dani Yusuf. Saat ini saya berprofesi sebagai mahasiswa di jurusan Informatika. Saya sering membuat aplikasi website menggunakan PHP, terutama dengan framework Laravel, saya juga familiar dengan framework javascript seperti Vue.Js. Selain itu, saya juga familiar dengan game development.

Saya dengan senang hati akan mengerjakan project yang ada tawarkan, dan mengerjakannya sesuai dengan ekspetasi Anda.



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Saya adalah fresh graduate dari Teknik Industri Universitas Gadjah Mada. Saat ini saya masih menganggur dan selama menganggur ini saya ingin mengisi waktu saya untuk menjadi freelancer.

Saya saat ini juga sedang mengikuti pelatihan di bidang data science. oleh karena itu saya cukup handal di dalam bahasa pemrograman python dan excel.

Saya juga sewaktu kuliah pernah punya pengalaman menjadi reseller pakaian dan memasarkannya secara online. Di instagram, olx, tokopedia, bukalapak, dll.

Kemudian saya juga semasa kuliah pernah beberapa kali menjadi staff design di suatu kepanitiaan sehingga saya cukup mengerti dengan coreldraw, photoshop, dan premiere.



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Saya adalah seorang fresh graduate of Computer Science dari Universitas Negeri Semarang

Saya berfokus pada UI/UX Designer, AI (machine learning & Deep learning), Data Science, dan IoT

Senang jika bekerjasama dengan anda :)



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HI! I have experience in scientific computing based on python and its modules such as numpy, scipy, pandas and matplotlib for general scientific computation, data science, data visualisation, signal processing and other purposes. 

Have a strong knowledge in the field of earth science, geospatial, remote sensing and Geographic Information System.

Able to write scientific report using LaTeX and Markdown format.



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Berpengalaman di bidang kecerdasan buatan dan Data science.

- Machine Learning

- Deep Learning

- Computer Vision

Total Rows: 3020 ‐ Showing Page 5 of 121


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