• (022) 6902 1117

Terjemah / Penerjemah / Menerjemah 4 artikel bahasa inggris


4 artikel:

  1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GNW5SGTq2Sy6TgYyZR-0JrIFDavCcPcHiYU7jsQcxII
  2. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HQDByfBsSt9n-ZuljbIPJbJdHeDwajN_7HyAp8B1A-0
  3. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1I4WZX5KklcyZ0MUrJtARfWm4Rh33iObrPPprL6z52yQ
  4. https://drive.google.com/open?id=15GOygDC5-x87C1hqPDnoyKnNsAxZFJe0N9MvJ9WJFQE

Ketentuan project:

  1. maksimal pengerjaan 4 hari
  2. menyelesaikan minimal 1 artikel setiap hari
  3. Menerjemahkan paragraf testing utk mengetahui gambaran skill menerjemah
  4. Menyesuaikan terjemahan agar mudah dimengerti dan enak dibaca
  5. Semakin bagus terjemahan, semakin tinggi rating yang akan saya berikan. dan sebaliknya.

Paragraf testing:

In a normal telecommuting situation, a worker will be given assignments and asked to complete them or report on them, as in any other office job. The major difference is that most communication is done using the telephone, email and instant messaging. Some employers allow workers to choose which hours they will work, others require them to be online during a normal work day. Either way, most telecommuters have the freedom to work from home or wherever else they would like.

English Translation Writing

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 4
Published Date: 22/05/2017 16:51:06 WIB
Start Date: 29/05/2017 09:46:11 WIB
Finish Date: 31/05/2017 23:22:06 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Elok Mahmudah (elmahm)
Accepted Budget: Rp 100,000
Project Ending: Completed

Project Owner

140 Point
#3,793 dari 1,091,497
Rated Worker: 10.00/10.00

Terima kasih atas kerja bagusnya.

Accepted Worker

Kab. Malang
702 Point
#818 dari 1,091,497
Rated Owner: 10.00/10.00

Senang bisa membantu kembali. Terima kasih, Pak.

      User Bids


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