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Kab. Bandung Barat
69 projects


Dicari penulis untuk menulis soal tryout formasi SKB CPNS berikut: SKB Jaksa SKB Petugas Barang Bukti SKB Pengelola Penanganan Perkara SKB Auditor SKB Dosen SKB Perencana SKB Penata Layanan Operasional SKB Humas SKB Pengelola Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa SKB Perawat SKB Bidan SKB Dokter SKB Arsiparis SKB Penyuluh Pertanian SKB APP MA Soal ditulis sesuai dengan kisi-kisi/FR soal-soal CPNS...

Writing Content Management System (CMS) Copywriter Screenwriting Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 300,000 - 500,000
Published Date: 05/11/2024 05:42:20 WIB
Select Deadline: 05/12/2024 05:42:20 WIB
Finish Days: 7
Project Status: Published
Bid Count: 39
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0 projects

Wordpress auto blogpost setiap hari

Saya mencari programmer atau orang yang mahir wordpress untuk mensetting website saya menjadi auto blogpost dengan ketentuan sbb : Niche Bisa berubah setiap minggu atau bulan Blog Post auto SEO friendly Bisa upgrade jika diperlukan sesuai kebutuhan Jika merasa memenuhi syarat diatas silahkan kirimkan portofolio dan pengalaman dalam bidang yang serupa.

Web Research Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Programming Web Programming Website Wordpress Content Management System (CMS) Website Building Wordpress Templates Web Scrapping

Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 1,000,000
Published Date: 18/10/2024 18:32:55 WIB
Select Deadline: 17/11/2024 18:32:55 WIB
Finish Days: 30
Project Status: Published
Bid Count: 10
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0 projects

Content Creator & Social Media Specialist

HI, WE ARE HIRING Fulltime Content Creator & Social Media Specialist Job Desc : - Plan and assist with content schedule for socmed - Plan and create content for X/IG/Tiktok - Develop marketing strategies to increase engagement engagement and followers - Stay current with the latest social media best practices and industry trend related         with the company services - Track and analyze periodically and report to gain insight on traffic, audience and effectiveness; utilize this information to affect future outcomes positively Requirement : - Understand how to craft content, find topics and angle that engage audience - Have a good copywriting skills - Exhibit a personal passion for KPOP industry and in-depth knowledge of kpop trends - Fresh graduates are welcome to apply - Submit your CV and portofolio to kpopmerchrecruitment@gmail...

English Advertising Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Content Management System (CMS) Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 6,000,000 - 7,000,000
Published Date: 15/10/2024 11:43:18 WIB
Select Deadline: 14/11/2024 11:43:18 WIB
Finish Days: 7
Project Status: Published
Bid Count: 34
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