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Past Projects

Kabupaten/Kota Lainnya

Foto Produk Hadiah/Kado/Suvenir #2

Kami ingin mencari worker yang bisa menyediakan foto produk yang biasa atau bisa dijadikan hadiah/kado/suvenir yang menarik. Lalu memberikan review/deskripsi tentang produk tersebut sebanyak 300 karakter/huruf (kurang lebih 3 kalimat majemuk). Per item produk akan diberi rate IDR 20.000. Project ini untuk 10 Item produk, jadi total project senilai IDR 200.000. Brief job memfoto produk kado/hadiah: Silakan ambil foto produk kado/hadiah. Jika belum terlalu lama, boleh saja menggunakan foto yang pernah Anda ambil sebelumnya...

Photography Reviews

Published Budget: Rp 200,000 - 200,000
Finish Days: 14
Published Date: 04/06/2024 12:19:02 WIB
Start Date: 07/06/2024 14:16:59 WIB
Finish Date: 19/06/2024 11:48:14 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Kairaraia
Accepted Budget: Rp 200,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from belajarforex: Review Google Maps sebanyak 50 reviews

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Internet Marketing Internet Campaign Social Media Marketing (SMM) Google Maps Google Adsense Google Adwords

Published Budget: Rp 300,000
Finish Days: 10
Published Date: 21/04/2024 23:02:58 WIB
Start Date: 24/04/2024 09:18:19 WIB
Finish Date: 20/06/2024 03:21:29 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: andininowirawan
Accepted Budget: Rp 300,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kabupaten/Kota Lainnya

Supervising Article for BP-Guide

Kami membutuhkan dokter kecantikan, dokter umum, apoteker, atau expert beauty practitioner untuk melakukan supervisi atas artikel yang akan kami buat dan terbitkan. Tugas: Dokter/apoteker diminta untuk memilih produknya sebelum ditulis oleh penulis (sebelum proses pembuatan artikel). Detail pemilihan produk tidak terlalu sulit sebenarnya. Jadi kami akan memberikan keyword pada Dokter, misalnya facial cleanser.  Nah, Dokter memilihkan 10 produk facial cleanser yang menurut Dokter baik, aman, dan terverifikasi BPOM...

Writing Reviews

Published Budget: Rp 800,000 - 800,000
Finish Days: 20
Published Date: 15/04/2024 10:52:51 WIB
Start Date: 06/05/2024 12:59:54 WIB
Finish Date: 20/06/2024 23:34:48 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: rzkiputri
Accepted Budget: Rp 800,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kabupaten/Kota Lainnya

Supervised Article for BP-Guide dr. Febri #4

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Writing Reviews

Published Budget: Rp 750,000 - 750,000
Finish Days: 20
Published Date: 15/04/2024 10:37:39 WIB
Start Date: 16/04/2024 13:49:42 WIB
Finish Date: 06/05/2024 17:41:23 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: febriantimpep
Accepted Budget: Rp 750,000
Project Ending: Completed


Pembuatan BAB 2

Halo, saya membutuhkan bantuan untuk membuat BAB 2 terkait theoretical review dgn judul skripsi saya "the use of movie to enhance students listening skills: teacher and students challenges". Skripsi saya berbahasa Inggris. No copas, sertakan sumber, sumber maksimal 10 tahun (kecuali buku), share file sumber yang digunakan. Silahkan apply dengan mencantumkan kira-kira poin apa saja yg akan dibahas dari judul tsb.  Terimakasih 🙏


Published Budget: Rp 250,000 - 300,000
Finish Days: 4
Published Date: 09/03/2024 15:47:52 WIB
Start Date: 10/03/2024 18:55:35 WIB
Finish Date: 15/03/2024 10:25:35 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Ikhsankamsya
Accepted Budget: Rp 250,000
Project Ending: Completed


Membuat BAB 3

Halo, saya butuh bantuan untuk membuat BAB 3 (research methodology), jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris, judulnya the use of movie to enhance students listening skills: teacher and students challenges. Instrumen yang saya gunakan: pre & post-test, observation, questionaire, and interview. No copas, sertakan sumber yang jelas, share file sumber, dan ada free revisi.


Published Budget: Rp 250,000 - 300,000
Finish Days: 5
Published Date: 09/03/2024 07:41:38 WIB
Start Date: 10/03/2024 06:27:59 WIB
Finish Date: 13/03/2024 13:03:13 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: lenyapriliya
Accepted Budget: Rp 275,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kabupaten/Kota Lainnya

Membutuhkan Dokter Klinik Kecantikan/RS untuk Menjadi Supervisor Artikel

Kami membutuhkan dokter untuk menjadi supervisor dari artikel-artikel di situs kami, https://bp-guide.id/ . Artikel-artikel yang membutuhkan pengawasan adalah artikel kecantikan dan kosmetik. Nama dokter akan kami cantumkan di tiap artikel yang disupervise. Kurang lebih akan seperti di artikel berikut ini: https://id.my-best.com/136582 Silahkan bid berapa rate Anda untuk supervise 10 artikel.  Rate bisa dinegosiasikan lebih lanjut. Jika ada kondisi-kondisi tertentu yang membutuhkan rate tambahan, kami bersedia menyesuaikan setelah berdiskusi...


Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 1,000,000
Finish Days: 14
Published Date: 14/02/2024 06:01:13 WIB
Start Date: 05/03/2024 13:24:05 WIB
Finish Date: 19/03/2024 19:34:39 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: febriantimpep
Accepted Budget: Rp 750,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kota Depok

Service Order from rmgpage: Jasa Publish Artikel / Backlink / Guest House Di 30 Media Massa Online PERMANEN Harga Murah

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Business Service Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising Market Research Marketing Strategy Blog Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 300,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 23/01/2024 01:33:00 WIB
Start Date: 31/01/2024 10:54:08 WIB
Finish Date: 02/02/2024 14:24:15 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: dirman321
Accepted Budget: Rp 300,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Grobogan

Service Order from wongndeso16: Jasa Publish Artikel / Backlink / Guest House Di 30 Media Massa Online PERMANEN Harga Murah

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Business Service Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising Market Research Marketing Strategy Blog Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 300,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 08/11/2023 10:27:16 WIB
Start Date: 10/11/2023 04:26:21 WIB
Finish Date: 10/11/2023 08:42:56 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: dirman321
Accepted Budget: Rp 300,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from yoyodigital: Jasa Publish Artikel / Backlink / Guest House Di 30 Media Massa Online PERMANEN Harga Murah

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Business Service Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising Market Research Marketing Strategy Blog Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 350,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 16/08/2023 08:14:14 WIB
Start Date: 16/08/2023 08:36:47 WIB
Finish Date: 16/08/2023 12:33:07 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: dirman321
Accepted Budget: Rp 400,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kota Jakarta Barat

Service Order from Slokyeo: Jasa Publish Artikel / Backlink / Guest House Di 30 Media Massa Online PERMANEN Harga Murah

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Business Service Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising Market Research Marketing Strategy Blog Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 350,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 03/08/2023 15:34:33 WIB
Start Date: 03/08/2023 15:45:16 WIB
Finish Date: 03/08/2023 19:53:13 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: dirman321
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from freefree: Jasa Publish Artikel / Backlink Di 30 Media Massa Online PERMANEN Dengan Harga Murah

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Business Service Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising Market Research Marketing Strategy Blog Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 500,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 19/06/2023 07:41:12 WIB
Start Date: 19/06/2023 09:32:39 WIB
Finish Date: 19/06/2023 13:41:49 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: dirman321
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from freefree: Jasa Publish Artikel / Backlink Di 30 Media Massa Online PERMANEN Dengan Harga Murah

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Business Service Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising Market Research Marketing Strategy Blog Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 500,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 16/06/2023 11:10:33 WIB
Start Date: 16/06/2023 14:42:47 WIB
Finish Date: 16/06/2023 17:23:58 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: dirman321
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from caesaragp: Jasa Publish Artikel / Backlink Di 30 Media Massa Online PERMANEN Dengan Harga Murah

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Business Service Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Advertising Market Research Marketing Strategy Blog Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 500,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 12/06/2023 14:33:16 WIB
Start Date: 12/06/2023 16:25:04 WIB
Finish Date: 12/06/2023 17:45:12 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: dirman321
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Ngawi

Service Order from henney28: Jasa Penulisan 5 Artikel Bahasa Indonesia TANPA TYPO!

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Retyping Song Writing Writing Blog Blogspot Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 65,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 16/05/2023 09:03:13 WIB
Start Date: 16/05/2023 09:43:39 WIB
Finish Date: 24/05/2023 10:53:13 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: AinunF
Accepted Budget: Rp 65,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Ngawi

Service Order from henney28: Jasa Penulisan 5 Artikel Bahasa Indonesia TANPA TYPO!

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Retyping Song Writing Writing Blog Blogspot Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 65,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 16/05/2023 09:02:39 WIB
Start Date: 16/05/2023 09:20:02 WIB
Finish Date: 27/05/2023 05:08:53 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: AinunF
Accepted Budget: Rp 65,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Ngawi

Service Order from henney28: Jasa Penulisan 5 Artikel Bahasa Indonesia TANPA TYPO!

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Retyping Song Writing Writing Blog Blogspot Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 65,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 08/05/2023 16:49:20 WIB
Start Date: 09/05/2023 15:35:07 WIB
Finish Date: 13/05/2023 21:40:07 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: AinunF
Accepted Budget: Rp 65,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Ngawi

Service Order from henney28: Jasa Penulisan 5 Artikel Bahasa Indonesia TANPA TYPO!

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Retyping Song Writing Writing Blog Blogspot Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 65,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 08/05/2023 16:48:52 WIB
Start Date: 09/05/2023 15:35:03 WIB
Finish Date: 14/05/2023 15:37:53 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: AinunF
Accepted Budget: Rp 65,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Ngawi

Service Order from henney28: Jasa Penulisan 5 Artikel Bahasa Indonesia TANPA TYPO!

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Retyping Song Writing Writing Blog Blogspot Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 65,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 05/05/2023 21:00:10 WIB
Start Date: 06/05/2023 11:45:02 WIB
Finish Date: 09/05/2023 14:38:25 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: AinunF
Accepted Budget: Rp 65,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kota Jakarta Selatan


[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 500,000
Finish Days: 30
Published Date: 27/04/2023 22:07:00 WIB
Start Date: 19/05/2023 23:35:42 WIB
Finish Date: 23/01/2024 09:19:42 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Saefurrohim_110297
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Arbitrated

Kota Jakarta Selatan


[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 200,000 - 200,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 27/04/2023 22:06:47 WIB
Start Date: 19/05/2023 21:28:18 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: hilda33
Accepted Budget: Rp 200,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation

Kota Jakarta Selatan


[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 200,000 - 200,000
Finish Days: 30
Published Date: 27/04/2023 22:06:09 WIB
Start Date: 11/05/2023 13:56:37 WIB
Finish Date: 12/06/2023 11:32:57 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Rahmat239
Accepted Budget: Rp 200,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kota Jakarta Selatan


[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 200,000 - 200,000
Finish Days: 30
Published Date: 27/04/2023 22:05:52 WIB
Start Date: 17/05/2023 09:02:09 WIB
Finish Date: 20/05/2023 13:03:25 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: kal2ebwilp
Accepted Budget: Rp 200,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Ngawi

Service Order from henney28: Jasa Penulisan 5 Artikel Bahasa Indonesia TANPA TYPO!

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Retyping Song Writing Writing Blog Blogspot Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 65,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 14/04/2023 20:43:54 WIB
Start Date: 15/04/2023 07:06:48 WIB
Finish Date: 22/04/2023 00:56:50 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: AinunF
Accepted Budget: Rp 65,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kab. Ngawi

Service Order from henney28: Jasa Penulisan 5 Artikel Bahasa Indonesia TANPA TYPO!

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Retyping Song Writing Writing Blog Blogspot Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Reviews Copywriter Content Writer

Published Budget: Rp 65,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 14/04/2023 11:53:04 WIB
Start Date: 15/04/2023 07:05:54 WIB
Finish Date: 29/04/2023 06:20:13 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: AinunF
Accepted Budget: Rp 65,000
Project Ending: Completed

Total Rows: 444 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 18


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