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Hi! I'm Windy I am highly experienced in Data Entry, Administrative, Web / Internet Research, Database, Analysis Data, Accounts and Finance. I enjoy project work, as well as routine administrative tasks and I would like the opportunity to support your business. If you are looking for flexible administrative assistance, someone with an eye for detail, enthusiasm and who is self-motivated and highly professional, then I am the candidate for you. So what are you waiting for? Just contact me :)



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I'm freshgraduate from Widyatama University in major Accounting, I define myself as adaptable, organized, flexible and able to meet deadline in fast paced enviroment. I have big motivation to learn new things to improve my skill.



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Saya adalah seorang freelance voice over, mempunyai home studio recording sendiri dan sudah sejak tahun 2009 menggeluti dunia voice over.

Name: Mila Rahmadhania
Based: Tegal 
Phone: 085691784391
Occupation: Indonesia
Languages: Indonesia
Voice Specialization: E - Learning and Radio Spot for soft, Warm, Flexible Voice Type Commercials



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Halo! Saya senang dapat berkenalan dengan Anda melalui profil akun freelance ini. Perkenalkan, saya Teddi, seorang Software Engineer dengan pengalaman yang solid dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak.

Sebagai seorang Software Engineer, saya telah terlibat dalam berbagai proyek pengembangan aplikasi web dan mobile. Saya memiliki pemahaman yang kuat tentang bahasa pemrograman seperti JavaScript, serta kerangka kerja seperti React, Vue.js, dan Laravel.

Selama karir saya, saya telah berhasil mengimplementasikan solusi kreatif dan efektif dalam menghadapi tantangan pemrograman yang kompleks. Saya memiliki keahlian dalam pengembangan front-end dan back-end, serta pengalaman dalam desain database, pengujian perangkat lunak, dan manajemen proyek.

Saya sangat antusias dalam menciptakan pengalaman pengguna yang luar biasa melalui antarmuka yang menarik, responsif, dan intuitif. Saya juga selalu berfokus pada kualitas kode dan keandalan sistem yang saya bangun.

Selain keahlian teknis, saya juga memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan kerja tim yang baik. Saya percaya bahwa kolaborasi yang efektif dan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kebutuhan klien adalah kunci keberhasilan proyek.

Saya sangat tertarik dengan proyek-proyek menarik yang melibatkan pengembangan perangkat lunak. Saya selalu bersemangat untuk menghadirkan solusi inovatif dan memberikan nilai tambah bagi klien saya.

Jika Anda mencari seorang Software Engineer yang handal, berdedikasi, dan berkualitas, saya siap membantu Anda mencapai tujuan Anda. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya dan berdiskusi lebih lanjut tentang proyek Anda.

Terima kasih atas waktu Anda dan salam hangat!



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I have been a freelance food and travel content writer for brisik.id since May 2020, writing news and some articles on my personal blog since October 2019, and been a freelance blog editor since October 2020. I also published my first solo book in August 2020 after writing some anthology books with friends from online writing class.  I am a punctual person who is able to learn many new things quickly and work on flexible time either individually or in a team. 



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Offers varies audio production services with a flexible rate and hour:

-music production ( advertisement, movie score, jingle, etc)

-audio post-production (mixing and mastering)

-audio editing (podcast, audiobook)



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I am a portrait drawing illustrator who specializes in realistically drawing human faces. I am constantly develop artistic techniques to encourage innovation on visual drawing. My speciality is I have an expertise and passion in the field of portrait and realist drawing with great detail in every stroke. Especially with shading using pencil media that I have mastered since junior high school.

I can do some data entry too with a software such as Excel with fast and produce accurate results. I even pay attention in the small detail in the process itself and make sure there are no mistakes and during entry data. My working hours in a day are flexible and can be adjusted to the project provided.

I am new in this freelancer thing although I drew and do a data entry for a long time. I want to make an income from my skills. I maybe a newbie here but my skills are not.

I studied on Computer Engineering for 3 years. I will graduate from my Bachelor of Computer Science in 2021. That being said I'm still studying on my college and don't have a job yet for now. So I try my best doing a job here to generate additional income that can be used for my education expenses.



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Experienced with Google Ads and Facebook Ads, PPC and GDN. 
I accept a new Google Ads account or create a new account, Facebook Ads new account creation and Fanpage. Fast Work and Flexible



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PT. VirtualNetwork Teknologi Global adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Telekomunikasi. Kami menyediakan solusi untuk layanan Telekomunikasi perusahaa anda dengan memanfaatkan Teknologi Telekomunikasi agar dapat meminimalkan biaya Telekomunikasi yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan. Untuk memberikan pelayanan yang optimal kepada pelanggan, kami telah bekerjasama dengan seluruh provider di Indonesia dengan pelayanan yang handal, dan memiliki call center untuk informasi dan keluhan pelanggan.

Kami memiliki produk di VOIP dan PABX yang penggunaan nya sangat flexibel karena berbasis cloud dan internet. Beberapa study case yang pernah kami kerjakan adalah : 

  1. Layanan penagihan via robot
  2. Layanan customer service
  3. Telpon gratis 1 perumahan
  4. Layanan telemarketing
  5. Penghematan biaya telpon toko retail
  6. Rumah sakit dan hotel
Konsultasikan apa yang anda butuhkan dan kami akan berikan solusinya.

Cloud pabx, cloud pbx, pbx online, pabx online, voip



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Perkenalkan nama saya Ardhana Rheswara, seorang seniman digital dan sekaligus seniman offset. Dunia desain grafis dan seni rupa merupakan bagian hidup sekaligus dunia usaha yang telah saya tekuni lebih dari 13 tahun lamanya semenjak saya masih duduk di bangku SMA. 

Area desain grafis yang saya kuasai terbilang cukup banyak, hasil dari pengalaman saya selama ini, baik itu 2D hingga 3D, dari layouting hingga animasi, dari membuat poster hingga mendesain UI/UX bahkan desain character 3D untuk game developing pun pernah saya jalani. Monggo silahkan cek langsung akun kreavi saya untuk melihat beberapa portofolio hasil kerja saya selama ini dan anda yang menilai sendiri bagaimana saya dari hasil karya saya. 

Profesional Skills :

  • Graphic Designer
  • Photo Editor
  • Social media Content Designer
  • 3D Modeller

Penguasaan Tools :

  • Image Editor : Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photopaint, GIMP
  • Layouting & Drawing : CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, InkScape
  • 3D Modelling : Autodesk 3DS Max, Autodesk Maya, Blender
  • Animation & Video : Sony Vegas Pro, Macromedia Flash
  • Office Tools : Microsoft Words, Excel, Powerpoint, Access
  • Prototyping : Adobe XD, FIGMA
  • Developer Tools : Delphi, Visual Studio, Adobe Flex
  • Game Developer Tools : Unity, Gideros, Adobe Flash

Portofolio :

Hubungi saya di :

Adalah sebuah hal menggembirakan dan senang rasanya jika saya dapat diberi kesempatan untuk dapat bekerjasama dengan anda dalam sebuah project dan bisa memberikan kontribusi positif disana. Terima kasih, saya tunggu ketertarikan anda :)

Terima Kasih

Ardhana Rheswara



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Saya saat ini adalah seorang mahasiswa di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember pada tahun kedua dan berada pada jurusan teknik transportasi laut yang bergerak di bidang logistik, pelabuhan, dan pelayaran

Keinginan saya saat ini adalah untuk mengaplikasikan pembelajaran yang telah saya lakukan dengan kegiatan pekerjaaan praktikal seperti input data, menulis artikel ilmiah maupun non-ilmiah, dan melakukan perencanaan strategis pada pekerjaan freelancer

Saya ingin belajar dan bekerja lebih lanjut dan dapat menghubungi saya pada email [email protected]

Mengenai Saya



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I am an organize person that loves to explore new things by research or experience as a way to develop my skills. I’m capable to work uderpressure and also tend to be flexible placing myself in any situation. I can manage to work on team or individually and loves to communicate with other people.



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I have a deep-seated interest in technology and web development, and interest in new things, such as studying Graphic Design, Videography, Business and Technology. I have studied the field Software Engineer for 2 years. Moreover, I have the ability to work in a team or individually and have an active and painstaking attitude.



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Hi, my name is Puji Anugrah Permata. I'm currently an International Relation college student. I'm able to write articles with topics such as: entertainment, lifestyle, review, and topics according to what you wanted as I'm eager to learn more. I'm working with flexible working hours with negotiable fee. I can do translation from English to Indonesia or the other way around. Thank you for taking your time to read this, have a good day.



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Halo perkenalkan nama saya Fitrah Maulana, seorang freelance Web Developer yang bekerja dengan jam yang flexibel. Saya telah mendalami web development selama lebih dari 2 tahun.

Berikut Programming Language , Framework, dan Tools yang saya kuasai dan saya gunakan:
  • Laravel
  • Bootstrap
  • JQuery
  • PHP Native
  • Javascript ES6
  • SQL
  • React Js
  • Node JS
  • Express js



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I have mechanical Engineering background and 4 years experiences as piping engineer for multinational company. But since September 2019, I've decided to be full time freelancer. So I can focus on my passion and personal development, while having more flexible time for better life. :)

For most of my engineering experiences with International company, I am familiar with technical documents written in English also business user for English conversation. My latest IELTS score is 7.0. By this ability, I can offer services in a range of IELTS preparation, translation (Eng-Ind or Ind-Eng), conversation class.

Beside that, I also have more than 8 years experiences (part-time since I was university student) private tutor. I do teach Bahasa Indonesia, English, Mathematics and Science for elementary to high school students. You can also find my profile in Ruangguru.com and superprof.id 

Ah, I love travelling as well. Have been lived and traveled to Europe (several Schengen countries), India, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Turkey, etc. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need a travel planner or personal assistant to arrange your favorable journey. 

Nice to be a member of projects.co.id
Looking forward to work with you. Hope I can help you in the near future :)



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Affordable solutions for your creative needs!

I'm a creative designer and writer on a path to develop an innovative state of the art services. Over the years, I have acquired mastery in Logo Designing, Branding Design and Photo Editing {?restoration, retouch, manipulating etc}?

Mastered Services:

- Brand desigh

- Packaging design

- Infographics

- Interactive PDF and forms

- Marketing Designing

- Logo Designing

Mastered Software/ Technologies:

- Adobe InDesign/Photoshop/Illustrator

- MS PowerPoint/Word/Excel

- WordPress

- CorelDraw

Reasons to hire me:

- Avg. Rating of 5/5

- Excellent soft skills

- Adaptability to time zones

Working Hours:

- Flexible with any time zone as per project requirement



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Hai, I'm an undergraduate in Business Administration Department 6th semester. Interested in Microsoft products, graphic design, writing, and administration. I'm able to working team or individually, working under pressure, on time, flexible, and detail oriented.



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Hope you in a great condition while read my profile!

My name is Wisnu Sulistyono Putra, i'm 20 years old and live in Semarang. I am currently learning about Law at Faculty of Law in Semarang State University (UNNES). 

I am an adaptive, flexible, and conscientius person. I have ability to handle my emotion if everything goes wrong, so, it won't affect what i'm working on. The point is i'll not make people (especially my client) disappointed.

i'm good on writing and communication, also, i always give the best for what i'm working on. 

I'm waiting to our collaboration on future!



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Hello im frontend developer and  designer

Im here to help you finish your awesome and great project



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I have an interest in arts and like to create artworks, I can draw portraits with graphite pencils and charcoals, calligraphy, lettering, typography, character design, banners, logo design and more. I open up and flexible in any kind of art styles. Any ideas just share with me to collaborate and make them real.

I graduated in psychology bachelor degree, and also have both certificate in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop courses, most of it art is also my passion. So I would like to make a good relationship between art and psychology to make them more aesthetics.



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Dedicated undergraduate Accounting student who understands the accounting cycle basis of taxation,Social media marketing,Project management and a litle bit buisness strategy . Looking for experience in accounting,auditing, finance,buisness development and expansion,Social media marketing and project management . Able to operate microsoft office, internet . Capactive in English verbal and non verbal,have a good work etchic,ability to relate to others, work in team , solve problem , respect, work under pressure,time management,flexible commit and passionate.



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I am a flexible, sociable and adaptable person, and enjoy challenges.

I am a graduate of the social studies vocational program who is currently studying at Langlang Buana University majoring in Business Management, which has achievements since I was in the first school, namely:

1. As Chair of the Student Council 2013 - 2014

2. As Chairman of the extracurricular activities in several extracurricular activities in 2013 - 2014

3. As the Head of the PENSI Program and host of the school event 2014

Experience in high school, namely:

1. As Secretary of the Student Council 2016 - 2017

2. As chief executive in the search for interests and talents in schools 2016 - 2017

3. As deputy head of the school PENSI program coordination 2015

4. As the host of the school PENSI 2015 and 2017

5. As Chair of the Health and Reflection Extracurricular School 2016

6. Champion I and VI in West Java Islamic Economics Competition 2016

Work experiences:

1. Having a business in the field of medicine as a reseller

2. Become the Main Guide in the Al-Qur'an memorization program

3. Become a social media marketing, sales, copy writing, laptop assistant technician at Bbenk ​​Phone Shop


The non-academic schools pursued include:

1. Adobe Light Room Photo Editing Course, PicsArt, PICNIC

2. Video Editing Course Kine Master, Power Director, Pixaloop, 90s, Zoetropic

Language skills possessed:

1. Indonesian (Professional)

2.English (Intermediate)

3. Arabic (Basic)



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Grafis Desainer dan Editor Video, memiliki skill bahasa inggris juga

Apa yang bisa Saya lakukan?
  1. Translate bahasa inggris ke indonesia dan sebaliknya (saya mendapat skor TOEIC 895)
  2. Mahir menggunakan figma (Biasanya saya mendesain disini, karena open-source, fleksible, dan bisa untuk kerja secara tim)
  3. Mahir menggunakan Adobe Premiere (ini playlist dari video yang saya edit: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcCwpb_WuvFupAHUFQHmv61Bm72mIqYO4)
  4. Mahir menggunakan Adobe Photoshop
  5. Saya mau mengerjakan projek lainnya seperti memberi review dan sejenisnya
Akan menyenangkan bekerja sama dengan Anda, Terimakasih:)


Graphic Designer and Video Editor, have English skill too

What can I do? 

  1. Translate English to Indonesia and Indonesia to English (I scored 895 in the TOEIC test)
  2. Familiar with Figma (I mostly design in here, because its open-source, flexible, and can be used for teamwork)
  3. Familiar with Adobe Premiere (here my playlist of videos that I've edited: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcCwpb_WuvFupAHUFQHmv61Bm72mIqYO4)
  4. Familiar with Adobe Photoshop too
  5. I would do any odd project too, like giving review and such
It would be nice to work with you, Thanks :)



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My name is Celia Audrey Kurniawan, people usually call me Celia. I'm a fresh graduate from Universitas Pelita Harapan majoring in Hospitality Management. I have plans to continue my Post Graduate Studies abroad, but due to Covid-19, my plans have been delayed. So currently, I'm looking for ways to enrich my free time with fulfilling and productive activities. Although my background is in Hospitality, I'm also experienced in Secretarial and Administrational activities. I have multiple secretarial experiences under my belt, and I have been involved in countless activities related to administration, data entry, organizing etc. For additional work experience, although nothing professional, I once coordinated the social media aspects of friends' businesses (ex. posts, captions, stories, announcements). I also love to write (also nothing professional), and have been commissioned several times to create captions. My peers have often complimented me as a highly detail-oriented, creative, proactive, communicative, and fast-response worker. Lastly, I'm very fluent in English. Should you give me a chance to work for you, I guarantee you will get a communicative, flexible, and high-quality freelancer who will strive to deliver according to your standards.

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