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Past Projects



Dicari Akun Google Play Console Developer GODEV Bekas yang sudah tidak terurus berisi app aktif maupun tidak aktif.      Kebutuhan 1xx Account Google Developer Max tahun 2022 ( makin tua makin baik )   Berisi app minimal 1 yang live   Dibeli beserta akun email utamanya Harga terbaik dari yang lain    Harga NEGO    Harga per 1 Account

Affiliate Marketing Audio Editing Appcelerator Titanium Appraisal Ajax AppMachine AppMakr Appery Amibroker Amazon Service Cloud

Published Budget: Rp 1,000,000 - 9,000,000
Finish Days: 25
Published Date: 29/08/2024 10:01:03 WIB
Start Date: 27/09/2024 08:15:23 WIB
Finish Date: 27/09/2024 08:16:29 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: malvin.hiraito
Accepted Budget: Rp 8,500,000
Project Ending: Completed


Amibroker Export data ke SQL Server

Dibutuhkan yang mengerti membuat script untuk melakukan dari export data dari amibroker ke sql server  secara otomatis. Data yang di export bisa history ataupun Realtime  Amibroker yang kami gunakan adalah versi 6, 64 bit sql server yg kami gunakan versi 2022 

SQL Server Amibroker

Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 1,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 28/01/2024 07:59:59 WIB
Start Date: 28/01/2024 16:55:47 WIB
Finish Date: 04/02/2024 19:56:14 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: yogayogayoga
Accepted Budget: Rp 654,000
Project Ending: Completed


Telegram bot fixing

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

JavaScript Amibroker

Published Budget: Rp 800,000 - 1,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 30/12/2023 12:24:10 WIB
Start Date: 02/01/2024 05:05:44 WIB
Finish Date: 06/01/2024 01:35:23 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: fauzimarjalih
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,200,000
Project Ending: Completed


DICARI AKUN Google Play Console BEKAS

Dicari Akun Google Play Console Developer GODEV Bekas yang sudah tidak terurus berisi app aktif maupun tidak aktif.  Minimal berumur 1 Bulan ( makin tua makin bagus )  Berisi app minimal 1 yang live (Jika tidak ada Live app, harga sdkit menyesuaikan) JIka ada 1 app yang download min 50.000 ( harga lebih mahal )  App tidak ada jumplah downloadnya pun tidak papa, masih bisa di tawarkan.  DIUTAMAKN TIDAK ADA SUSPEND APP (Kalaupun ada maksmal 2 app,"harga lebih murah") BUTUH 100 AKUN Harga Untuk PerAkun,...

3D Architecture Arduino Android .NET Framework Backbone.js Appraisement Adobe Dreamweaver Andromo Appy Pie Amibroker

Published Budget: Rp 1,000,000 - 7,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 17/12/2023 11:58:31 WIB
Start Date: 04/01/2024 10:40:40 WIB
Finish Date: 04/01/2024 10:59:45 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: ryapan13
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,500,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from vicky2430: Analisis Saham Untuk Trading & Investing

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Accounting Financial Planning Analysis Amibroker

Published Budget: Rp 149,000
Finish Days: 1
Published Date: 24/10/2023 12:52:59 WIB
Start Date: 25/10/2023 09:15:08 WIB
Finish Date: 07/11/2023 21:27:52 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: profreelancer
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,150,000
Project Ending: Completed


Pembuatan APK Analisa Saham

saya membutuhkan jasa programmer untuk membuat aplikasi android untuk menganalisa saham, API sudah tersedia, tinggal melanjutkan saja pada proses build di android nya saja, fitur mencakup : koneksi antara website,app dan tiga server amibroker bekerja sama dengan programmer yang buat API dan programmer Web desain instalasi payment gateway duitku atur plan mencakup periode registrasi dan harga keamanan app mencakup token realtime,lock device id,lock imei,lock gmail dan lock no hp info lainnya bisa by wa hanya buat yang pernah mengerjakan project serupa dan berikan portopolio anda dengan project sama yang pernah dikerjakan bahasa progamming FLUTTER, tampilan kekinian penyerahan file project setelah selesai report per 3 hari...

Flutter Amibroker

Published Budget: Rp 5,000,000 - 7,500,000
Finish Days: 30
Published Date: 29/10/2021 20:42:07 WIB
Start Date: 18/11/2021 08:25:06 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: digikara
Accepted Budget: Rp 7,500,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation

Kota Makassar

Pembuatan BOT Telegram

Dicari Worker yang bisa buatkan BOT Telegram

Amibroker Telegram

Published Budget: Rp 1,000,000 - 10,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 29/07/2021 11:34:58 WIB
Start Date: 02/08/2021 20:24:11 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: endimion
Accepted Budget: Rp 8,000,000
Project Ending: Arbitrated


Pembuatan BOT Telegram saham data dari amibroker

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

JavaScript Telegram

Published Budget: Rp 4,000,000 - 4,480,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 17/05/2021 11:17:53 WIB
Start Date: 17/05/2021 15:20:04 WIB
Finish Date: 15/08/2021 10:48:22 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: fauzimarjalih
Accepted Budget: Rp 4,480,000
Project Ending: Completed


Buat scrape done summary di broker indoprimer

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 1,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 28/03/2021 08:37:42 WIB
Start Date: 28/03/2021 11:26:23 WIB
Finish Date: 04/04/2021 07:22:37 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: badrullami
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from kkplucky: Bot Telegram Amibroker & Fundamental

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Statistical Analysis Java Web Programming .NET Framework C# Java Spring MVC Robotics Analysis Data Analysis Quantitative Analysis

Published Budget: Rp 4,950,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 22/03/2021 16:05:41 WIB
Start Date: 23/03/2021 22:46:37 WIB
Finish Date: 07/10/2021 14:33:34 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: fauzimarjalih
Accepted Budget: Rp 12,450,000
Project Ending: Completed



ingin membuat bot auto replay untuk membership. alur pertama 1. member klik bot lalu muncul price list ( misal 1 minggu, 1 bulan, 1 tahun ) 2. setelah member milih paket membership misal 1 tahun, muncul jumlah biaya yang harus di bayar. 3. setelah member bayar,  member konfirmasi. 4. setelah konfirmasi bot mengirim link invite untuk masuk channel telegram ini tahap sampai member sudah masuk channel lalu.... setelah member masuk channel, ada BOT YANG BISA MENGETAHUI BERAPA LAMA MEMBER ITU MASUK GROUP, JIKA MEMBER MILIH 1 TAHUN, MAKA JIKA SUDAH 1 TAHUN MAKA BOT ITU AKAN MENGELUARKAN MEMBER ITU...


Published Budget: Rp 1,000,000 - 3,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 30/01/2021 11:10:12 WIB
Start Date: 30/01/2021 12:00:03 WIB
Finish Date: 11/02/2021 19:32:11 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: fauzimarjalih
Accepted Budget: Rp 3,000,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kota Surabaya

Bot utk menampilkan perhitungan presentase resiko resiko dan screening saham idx

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 1,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 20/01/2021 07:58:32 WIB
Start Date: 20/01/2021 08:31:07 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: septianamral
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation


Membuat koneksi DB dgn amibroker

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

.NET Compact Framework

Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 650,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 08/01/2021 22:18:22 WIB
Start Date: 11/01/2021 01:10:16 WIB
Finish Date: 19/01/2021 09:21:38 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 650,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kota Surabaya

Bot telegram utk mengirim gambar

Bot telegram , dengan cara kerja ketik request perintah , kemudian bot mengirim gambar chart dari trading view sesuai dengan request perintah


Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 1,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 20/12/2020 15:16:06 WIB
Start Date: 21/12/2020 17:01:29 WIB
Finish Date: 19/01/2021 18:02:08 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: septianamral
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Project Ending: Completed


Create API amibroker to App server

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

.NET Framework

Published Budget: Rp 500,000 - 1,250,000
Finish Days: 10
Published Date: 13/12/2020 16:11:15 WIB
Start Date: 14/12/2020 12:32:41 WIB
Finish Date: 23/12/2020 09:11:33 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,250,000
Project Ending: Completed


Bot telegram to amibroker

HAI... saya butuh programmer yang bisa membantu mengerjakan project saya.. menghubungkan amibroker ke telegram dengan bantuan bot Diskusi bisa di lanjut Via Wa Diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman 

Mobile Programming Android Telegram

Published Budget: Rp 1,000,000 - 2,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 19/11/2020 20:57:18 WIB
Start Date: 20/11/2020 18:15:09 WIB
Finish Date: 25/11/2020 10:37:12 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,750,000
Project Ending: Completed


Telegram Newspaper

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 600,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 22/08/2020 17:06:15 WIB
Start Date: 24/08/2020 10:41:24 WIB
Finish Date: 26/08/2020 10:17:40 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 600,000
Project Ending: Completed


Telegram Bot Amibroker

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 500,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 08/08/2020 13:31:52 WIB
Start Date: 13/08/2020 09:51:30 WIB
Finish Date: 16/08/2020 06:58:27 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Project Ending: Completed


Notifikasi Telegram dan Kontrol Kiriman data

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]


Published Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 29/07/2020 12:10:55 WIB
Start Date: 30/07/2020 11:07:07 WIB
Finish Date: 22/08/2020 14:12:09 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Project Ending: Completed


Upgrade sistem BOT

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Python NodeJS Amibroker

Published Budget: Rp 2,500,000
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 30/06/2020 20:54:30 WIB
Start Date: 01/07/2020 12:30:50 WIB
Finish Date: 28/07/2020 22:32:46 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 2,500,000
Project Ending: Completed


Transfer data AMIBROKER ke excel dan sebaliknya

Dear All, Saya  perlu yg bisa tranfer data Amibroker dari ami ke Exel dan dari exel ke Ami.. Import ASCII  https://www.amibroker.com/guide/d_ascii.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa7ZjWKT3s0 https://financephilippines.wordpress.com/2014/08/22/tutorial-upload-pse-data-to-amibroker/ Silahkan bid.

Data Entry

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 22/06/2020 15:57:43 WIB
Start Date: 23/06/2020 12:20:05 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: Annafrank
Accepted Budget: Rp 50,000
Project Ending: Arbitrated


Autopost amibroker data analisys to telegram grup/channel

hai ... saya butuh bot/aplikasi interkoneksi antara amibroker ke grup telegram, yg mana semua hasil analisis yg sudah saya tentukan nanti akan terkirim secara otomatis ke channel/grup..dalam bentuk HTML dengan tampilan yang rapi dan jelas Hanya bagi yg benar2 tau amibroker boleh BID Hindari diskusi bertele2..

Mobile Programming Android API Gateway Amibroker

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 31/05/2020 19:42:07 WIB
Start Date: 31/05/2020 20:10:12 WIB
Finish Date: 02/06/2020 19:00:10 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 600,000
Project Ending: Completed


Bot telegram to amibroker

Dibutuhkan Worker yang pernah membuat BOT Telegram untuk analisa saham dengan menggunakan sistim dari Amibroker, AFL & Amibroker sudah ada, tinggal dibutuhkan kombinasi antara BOT Telegram & amibroker, hasil dari respon berupa screenshoot grafik chart (file .png) & hasil explore (file .html) cara kerjanya : User > BOT Telegram > Amibroker > User (User request pada group telegram, BOT telegram respon request dan melakukan analisa pada amibroker, setelah itu BOT mengirimkan ke group berupa hasil screenshoot file ...


Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 14
Published Date: 27/05/2020 16:34:17 WIB
Start Date: 29/05/2020 13:20:26 WIB
Finish Date: 31/05/2020 11:11:41 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: akbarfalala
Accepted Budget: Rp 2,000,000
Project Ending: Completed


dicari yang bisa mengerjakan software android aplikasi saham yang terkonek dengan amibroker

project detail secara garis besar adalah bisa menampilkan chart saham amibroker terduplikasi ke app android  menampilkan hasil screening saham pilihan yg sesuai syarat untuk diinfokan ke dalam app android

Android Android studio Amibroker

Published Budget: Rp 5,000,500
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 15/04/2020 18:00:50 WIB
Start Date: 16/04/2020 00:01:38 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: gucdev
Accepted Budget: Rp 7,000,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation


Membuat Bot Telegram Amibroker

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

PHP Java Native

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 24/08/2019 21:44:52 WIB
Start Date: 28/08/2019 19:51:27 WIB
Finish Date: 02/09/2019 15:21:54 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: indahfauria
Accepted Budget: Rp 5,000,000
Project Ending: Completed

Total Rows: 28 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 2


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